Wreck Me Forever - Lila Rose Page 0,1

It stuck, and thank fuck it worked.”

I wish I hadn’t asked. I didn’t need to know about his friend wanting to… do that to a woman.

You see, my brother didn’t know I wouldn’t want to talk about women and their body parts. He didn’t know that it didn’t interest me, because he didn’t know I was gay.

Our parents didn’t even know.

Why I hadn’t told anyone, I didn’t have a clue. I knew they would support me, but every time I went to open my mouth to inform them I liked dick, I felt it wasn’t the right moment. Instead, time passed, and I kept my mouth shut. In the end, they moved without the knowledge, and I shifted into my brother’s home. My brother, who was the straightest guy I knew. I wasn’t even sure about his stance on gay people, which was another reason I hadn’t said anything.

I couldn’t exactly say, “Ah, hey, bro, what do you think about guys getting it on?” No matter how I said it, I knew it would come out wrong, then I would freak out if I thought he was going to be disgusted.

Now, I had to go into his house full of his friends, who I hadn’t met before, and pray I didn’t check any of them out too long. Sighing, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the front door. Already I could hear the voices of Zion and his friends. They had music playing in the background, but what it was, I didn’t have a clue.

Straightening, I brushed my hands down my NASA tee and then reached out to the handle. Before I could grab hold, the door got swept open, and I stumbled forward so hard my head collided with a crotch. As I landed on my hands and knees, my head slipped down further and rested against someone’s muscled thighs.

The only problem with Zion’s house was the open-floor living.

Laughter filled the area.

“Brothers, I’d like you to meet my younger, and clumsy, brother, Lucas.”

A hand under my arm helped me. Actually, it practically lifted me on its own to my feet. “You okay, kid?” the large man asked.

“Yes,” I squeaked. I cleared my throat and punched my chest, then lowered my voice. “Ah, yeah, I’m good.”

The man smiled. His perfect white teeth between his trimmed beard captured my attention. He seemed in his mid-forties, but he looked good for it. His salt-and-pepper hair was styled back in a ponytail. He nodded. “Good. Sorry about the abrupt open. Thought you were some crazy fucker staking out the joint or the pizza guy.”

I nodded. And kept nodding since I didn’t know what to say.

“Name’s Death.” He held his tattooed hand out that was attached to his tattooed arm. I noticed his other arm was also inked.

Nervously, I licked my lips and stared at the large appendage—meaning his hand—that was still outstretched toward me. His name sounded like he would use his hands to kill people. I was too young and small, well, compared to him, and nice to die. Still, even when my hand shook, I pushed it forward and gripped his. “Lucas,” I said.

Death snorted. “Already heard.”

I wanted to slap my forehead. “Yeah, right.” I forced a laugh.

Using my hand, he pulled me further into the room, then he dropped his hold and pointed to another huge guy. “That’s Quake, Torch, and the prospect. He doesn’t get a club name until he’s a full member.” I nodded to them all. Quake was a solid man, heck, all of them were, but he was the biggest. His hair was blond and messy, and it went perfectly with his sea-blue eyes. Torch had a buzz cut and a cold look in his eyes where I worried if I looked too long, I would ask for forgiveness even when I hadn’t done anything. The prospect was the youngest. Where I was twenty-two, he seemed to be in his early twenties also, but it was hard to determine just what his age actually was.

The front door opened abruptly behind me. I bit my bottom lip to keep in the scream. But that didn’t stop me from jumping and stumbling as I turned, and if it wasn’t for Death’s hand wrapping around my arm, I would have met the floor once more that night.

However, when I looked up, I realized there was still a possibility of dropping to the floor. The most gorgeous man I had ever seen stood just inside the doorway,