Worthy of the Billionaire's Attention - Krista Lakes Page 0,1

hadn’t even said a word yet. I couldn’t believe my luck.

“A liaison to Mr. King? Would I be working with him personally?” I finally managed to sputter out after a moment of silence. My tongue tripped over most of the words and my voice cracked at the end. I am not entirely sure it even sounded like English.

The thin man nodded curtly, obviously wondering how someone so incredibly articulate had gotten this position. He slid a folder across the table with all the information. I read through the job description and a grin broke out as I saw my proposed salary. The man sat and patiently collected the documents as I signed them, then stood and had me follow him out the door. He brought me to an elevator and up to the 69th floor where he deposited me at a giant desk with a tiny secretary perched inside. She motioned me to sit down and chirped into the intercom that I had arrived. A moment later, Mr. King came out to greet me.

He looked the same as I remembered him. A little wiser around the eyes, but the same intense gaze that made my knees feel like jelly. He shook my hand warmly and guided me into his office. I stood admiring the oversized mahogany furniture and giant glass window as he balanced himself on the edge of his desk.

“You look great, Claire. I am glad I saw your name come up. This position has been vacant for a while- I have been looking for someone I can work with, someone who will give me what I want.” His eyes traveled up and down, appraising me. My dress suit seemed cheap in comparison to my surroundings. It was just a black pencil skirt with a matching jacket. I had paired it with a pale blue button up short sleeve dress shirt and shoes with just enough heel to look feminine but be able to walk quickly. I had felt professional this morning, but now I just felt nervous.

“I always was good at giving you what you wanted.” I replied before realizing the sexual implications of the sentence. I started blushing as soon as the words left my mouth, the room suddenly feeling warm. Mr. King just smiled and stood, offering me a chair. I quickly took it, glad for some movement. He began describing the job and what he expected of me. It was going to be demanding work, but it was in my area of expertise. I would work closely with him on a daily basis and keep him apprised of all necessary financial matters. I could see why he would want someone he could work well with given the amount of time we would be spending together to coordinate his current projects. I shook his hand as he welcomed me aboard, his cool hand seeming to calm my nerves at having such an important job ahead of me.

The next week was filled with classes, some in groups, some as an individual. I had to be brought up to speed on the general workings of the company, the ethics policies, and the various computer programs. I took this training in groups with everyone from temporary employees to independent contractors. For my individual classes, I worked closely with Mr. Jenkins, the tall wiry man from my initial interview. He told me all the things I would be responsible for keeping track of, who would report to me, what I should tell Mr. King and what I shouldn't waste his time with, and so on. Any time I asked a question that I thought was a pretty good question, he looked at me like he couldn't believe that Mr. King had chosen me for this job. He obviously thought I got this job by sleeping my way to the top, but I knew that I was every bit as qualified for this job as Mr. King thought I was.

The next Monday I was as ready as I was going to be. I met Mr. Jenkins, who gave me a daily summary and told me to memorize the key points by the time we got up to Mr. King's office. I did my best, but I knew I would stumble over some of the key points. When we arrived, Mr. King shook Mr. Jenkins' hand, and gave me a quick smile. After that, we got straight down to business. I was surprised at how quickly he jumped into the fine details