The Wolves Are Everywhere - Janie Marie


Ryder & Janie ©Thander Lin

The conclusion of the Big Bad Wolf trilogy is brutal, but I promise it’s worth it. Just hang in there.

Be warned, however, there are very traumatic, triggering scenes.

Another warning:

Though many readers connect with my characters, it is strongly recommended that all avoid self-insertion into the story being presented—actually, all stories I tell.

My characters were not created to be perfect or to please any reader. They will make poor choices and deliver/receive harsh opinions/judgments that can be damaging to sensitive readers. Use caution and remember these are my characters and not a representation of any reader, or judgement against any reader who shares some similarity to them.

You are reading their story. My story.

Do not get lost in the darkness simply due to a connection made between one or more characters.

Do be open to the messages and lessons this fairy tale contains. Do see the light in the dark as a reminder that there is always hope.


Janie Marie



Archer, Tercero, and Savaş stood silent across from the tattooed twenty-four-year-old. Until Lance Grimm’s release from prison, Lykos Grimm had been the only Grimm in the pack under Luc Godson’s thumb. And like his father, Lykos had allegiances before Luc. Those allegiances rested with Ryder Godson.

“Ryder wants to deal with this himself,” he added after he finished delivering the report on what he’d discovered, what he’d already relayed to Ryder and his father.

Tercero released a tired breath. “This will not unfold well.”

Lykos slid a finger over the red riding hood tattoo on his forearm. The girl was bleeding and bruised, but she held her sword with strength as she raised the decapitated head of the big bad wolf and roared at the others who would attempt to feast on her blood.

He’d had the tattoo done to honor the girl who was more than blood to him, and he’d made a vow to see that she once again stood victorious over her monsters. “No,” he agreed with Tercero. “But the Wolves will step in if Ryder doesn’t keep her safe.”

Archer chuckled as he pushed off the wall. “Well, your brother kinda fucked that up.”

Lykos huffed, annoyed. “There are orders in place.”

“Against your brother?” Tercero asked, amused. “I would tread carefully, wolf. Wounded, she is, but she will not allow him to be harmed.”

Lykos shrugged. “She doesn’t know Logan’s choosing to abandon her and the family. I’m not afraid to do what she needs.”

“No, you’re not,” came a familiar voice. “Even betraying your king.”

Lykos stiffened in his seat, the hairs on the back of his neck raising as the temperature in the room seemed to drop.

Luc placed a hand on his shoulder. “Your frequent walks off leash are not going to become a problem, are they, young Grimm?”

“No,” he answered, scowling at Archer’s almost maniacal smile.

“And what have you told my brothers?” Luc asked. “Why are you all gathered here when Trevor Grimm and a rogue roam free?”

Tercero met his big brother’s steely gaze. “Well, brother, we are not Wolves who hunt, are we? Nor are we Knights who rescue damsels in distress and slay the wicked.”

Archer grinned. “I like how Janie puts it; we’re not racist. We just kill everyone.”

Luc sighed, lifting the hand he’d rested on Lykos’ shoulder. “You know better than to discuss your duties in public.”

Archer pointed at the camera in the small conference room they’d taken over at the hospital. “Tercero took care of it.”

Luc didn’t reply as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and removed it before he took a seat next to Lykos. It wasn’t comforting for Lykos. He was in deep shit.

Savaş yawned, stretching his massive arms over his head. “Can I go join the wolves? I’m getting bored sitting here. Trevor and whoever they’ve been hunting will not enter while Ryder is here.”

“Ryder is with the blond,” Lykos commented, getting their attention.

“He’s going to destroy her,” Archer said, uncaringly.

Luc glanced at Tercero. “You will stay close. Ryder will leave her side often this night.”

“Why can’t I stay with her?” Archer asked, grinning like the sick bastard he was.

Lykos shook his head at him. “If you continue your little game of trying to get in bed with her, I’ll chop off your dick.”

Archer waved a dismissive hand at him. “She loves me. Since Luc’s hair changed to this ash colored shit, she needs a blond. I’ll do.”

Tercero’s possessive glance surprised Lykos, but he didn’t comment on it. Ryder would keep them in line, but Archer was a nasty little fuck who