Winston Brothers Box Set - Stacey Lewis Page 0,3

around?” I spit out the questions, not giving her time to answer and avert my eyes from her perfectly shaped body.

She looks hot as fuck in the light gray pencil skirt and cream-colored blouse she’s wearing. It’s hard to not be sucked in by her beauty. Combined with dark brown hair and green eyes that call to you, it isn’t all that hard to get caught up in her and believe me when I tell you I can stare at her all day.

“Actually, everything is perfect, but your father asked me to come and get you. He wants to start the meeting early.” She smiles, her eyes twinkling with something, but it’s gone before I can figure out what that is. It’s something I’ve never seen before, but it makes me want to kiss the fuck out of her.

“Oh...” I crack my neck, exhaling a breath and running my sweaty palms down the front of my expensive designer suit.

“Nervous?” Fallon asks with concern as she peers up at me through long lashes. Her beauty makes it difficult to breathe, hard to do anything really. When those green eyes of her pierce mine, I feel like she sees me, really sees me, and the love I have for her. The need I feel to be with her.

“Nah, not at all. I mean I’ll just be responsible for thousands of employees, and my entire family’s empire from start to finish but no…” Sarcasm laces my words and Fallon elbows me in the side, her nose scrunching up as a tiny smile pulls at the corner of her pink painted lips. She’s trying to look angry but I knew she can’t stay mad at me for long.

As I lead us down the hall, she complains, “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”

We come to a stop just outside the boardroom doors where voices can be heard on the other side. I turn towards her, stopping either of us from going any further.

“What did you mean?” I lean into her, her sweet floral scent sending shock waves of pleasure straight to my cock.

Do not get a hard on. Do not get a hard on.

“I meant… isn’t it strange that your father would move up the date of the meeting to now? I thought he wasn’t retiring for at least six more months.”

I blink, my eyes roaming over her face, unable to think of anything but how much I want to kiss her… and then what she said hits me.. “Yeah,” I pause to consider her words. “You’re right. That is strange. Really fucking strange.” I’m still thinking when I open the doors to the boardroom, knowing all too well that when I step out of this door again, I’ll either have fantastic news...or shittastic news.

Chapter Three


I’m anxious and trying to figure out what is going on as I take the seat across from Reed and his brothers while their father takes the seat at the head of the table. Mr. Winston, aka Clark, looks tired, miserable even, the deep wrinkles on his face making him look older than fifty-five. Lawyers and other important people sit along the same side as me, but I ignore them, my eyes bouncing back and forth between Reed and his father.

Clark clears his throat before steepling his fingers and leaning back in the chair like he has no cares in the world. “I’m sure most of you here are aware of why this meeting was set up, though I’m certain you haven’t the first clue as to why.” He smiles at me and I smile back, warmth filling my belly. Clark was so kind to me growing up, and now I consider him to be a father figure.

Remy snickers, saying something under his breath that earns him a dirty look from Reed. I cough to cover my own laugh, truly enjoying seeing them all together again. They each work on a different floor in the building, in different departments since their father knows as much as anyone else that putting them all together means nothing but arguing will get done. When you run a multi-billion dollar company, getting work done is kind of important.

“I think we’re all anxious to hear what’s changed, Dad.” Reed asks it in more like a question than a statement, and I wonder if he’s afraid his father decided against giving him the company.

It’s been a real fear of his and something we discussed many times, usually late at night when the worry