When You're Mine (The Gallaghers #2) - Layla Hagen Page 0,4

I was an only child, this was fascinating for me.

"Well, that's what I tell myself so I don't feel guilty. I was hoping both of them would have dates for my wedding, but I’ve kind of given up, even though it’s still months away."

"Why?" I asked innocently, telling myself I did not want to know why Dylan wasn't dating anyone.

"Well, Ian is a bit of a player. And unfortunately, I can see Dylan is following in his tracks as well. He used to be a bit of a romantic, but he had a long-term relationship that ended badly, and that soured him on romance."

"Yes, a bad relationship does tend to do that," I agreed, thinking how Elliot made me question myself and the world around me. But I knew the one was still out there. I would meet him, eventually. But one of my post-accident resolutions after the car crash was to stop dating guys who didn’t want the same things I did, which seemed to be the case with Dylan too. So, even though he was sexy as hell and swoon-worthy, especially as he looked after me earlier, I wasn't going to give him any more thought.

Isabelle was quiet when we moved on to the second leg exercise, and then as we proceeded to inner thigh exercises, the conversation turned to her wedding. I loved hearing about their progress with the arrangements. I was a true romantic at heart, so I was soaking it all up.

When our session ended, Isabelle headed to the changing rooms, but I went back to the reception area for another protein bar. Propped against the reception desk, I glanced inside the main training room, where we had the cardio equipment and the weight stations. I immediately noticed Dylan doing crunches. Holy crap. The man seemed even sexier than before. Was it all the sweat dotting his skin, or had I been groggy from my fainting spell before? His arms were bent at the elbows, palms at the back of his head. His biceps were on display, and his strong arms were my kryptonite.

I immediately glanced away, looking at the floor while I munched on my protein bar. Once I finished it, I headed to the staff bathroom to refresh for my next session.

Dylan, Dylan, Dylan. Why had he made such an impression on me?

By the time I finished all my sessions later in the evening, I still didn’t have an answer. I was pretty tired. The juice diet had been a terrible idea. Oh well, lesson learned, but I still wanted to check on Dad tonight and do some shopping for him, so it would be a long evening no matter what.

“Bye, Shauna,” I told the receptionist on my way out, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

“Bye. Oh wait, before I forget. A client left you a note.”

I blinked. “What?”

She took a folded piece of paper from the shelves where clients could leave valuables, handing it to me. I frowned, unfolding it.


In case you’re wondering why the old-fashioned note, I don’t have your number. Below is mine. I’d be happy if you sent me a short text to let me know how you feel.

Best, Dylan

I reread the note twice more, smiling from ear to ear. I had a suspicion that forgetting about my sexy and chivalrous savior wasn’t going to be that easy after all.

Chapter Three


After we finished with the gym, we headed to Isabelle and Brayden’s apartment. They were moving into a massive house outside the city in a couple weeks, and I’d offered to help them pack up their apartment. They could easily afford a moving company, but I knew neither of them wanted to let strangers into their home. As was usually the case with Isabelle, it had turned into a family get-together. Our brother Ian was already here, and our sister Josie and three of her husband’s cousins, Ryker, Cole, and Tess Winchester, were on their way. We were so close to the Winchesters that I considered them family.

“When is everyone else arriving?” Ian asked as the three of us sat on the couch in the living room. The whole place was a mess. Empty boxes were lying around everywhere between stacks of books and clothes.

I checked my phone a couple times, but I didn’t have any message from Mel. She was probably still doing her training sessions. I chuckled, remembering her mischievous smile when she asked me to keep her secret.

“Not sure. Everyone said they’re on the way,” Isabelle