Web of Lies (The Goode Life #2) - Isla Olsen Page 0,1

Never Been Kissed a few too many times?” Lily asks, offering me a skeptical look.

“Let’s look at the facts,” I say reasonably, lifting a hand to count off on my fingers. “Web and I used to be friends until I came out and he got all weird ‘cause clearly he has a problem with me being gay. He’s barely spoken to me since we started high school. And this morning I caught him looking at me all weirdly.”

“Maybe he was nervous about the note?” Lily reasons.

“Or excited about the prank…”

She lets out a resigned sigh. “Okay, you do make some pretty good points. So, what are you going to do? Just ignore it?”

That would probably be the most logical course of action; I should just rise above it and be the bigger person here.

But only a moment later, I see Web strolling down the hall, surrounded by a group of baseball douches. They’re laughing and joking, and I can’t help it—I snap.

Grabbing the letter from Lily’s hand, I march over to them and stand right in Web’s path, glaring up at him.

“Is this a joke?” I demand, waving the letter in his face.

His eyes widen. “What?”

“You like me?” I scoff. “Did you honestly expect me to fall for that?”

Before Web can say anything, Jason Bray and Mike Hopper—two of the biggest assholes amongst the group of players present—break into fits of laughter, clapping Web on the back, as though he’s just pulled off something incredible.

“Oh, dude, that’s classic,” Mike cries. “Could you imagine?”

“Well?” I demand, still glaring at Web. I need him to admit it himself.

He lets out a soft laugh, his shoulder lifting in a casual shrug. “Yeah, of course it was a joke.”

The words are like a dagger piercing right through my heart. I thought I’d already come to terms with the fact Web and I weren’t friends anymore, but apparently I hadn’t quite let go completely yet. If I had, I wouldn’t feel so completely heartbroken right now.

I can’t bring myself to utter a witty comeback; all I can manage is a stiff nod before I turn on my heel and storm off.

I don’t care how tight our families are; Webster Goode and I are done.


Present Day

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From the private Facebook group ‘Finchley Locals Community Hangout’

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Post by Tansie Goode: I have to ask that people PLEASE stop providing tourists with fake history about the town! If you want to give out info then go to the library and read up on the REAL history of Finchley!

George Goode reply to Tansie Goode’s post: That seems like a lot of work…

Tansie Goode reply to George Goode’s comment: So just don’t tell them anything then! *Eye roll emoji*

George Goode reply to Tansie Goode’s comment: I can’t help it if female tourists find me irresistible and like to pepper me with questions. I’m sorry if I can’t remember the exact date of our founding or the names of the first settlers while I’m getting a girl out of her clothes

Chance Kingsley reply to George Goode’s comment: Wait, are you saying girls find fake town history to be a turn on?

George Goode reply to Chance Kingsley’s comment: Absolutely

Chance Kingsley reply to George Goode’s comment: Damn, I’ll need to keep that in mind!

Tansie Goode reply to Chance Kingsley’s comment: No you won’t! No more fake history! ESPECIALLY if you’re using it to get laid. That’s so gross! Urgh you guys are disgusting.

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“Our favorite frequent flyer’s back, I see,” I say with a grin as I walk into Cara’s hospital room. “I know the jello’s good here, but it’s not that good.”

I’m glad when the little girl in the bed responds to my lame joke with a giggle, while her mother, Jen, offers a fond smile.

“Hey, Jesse,” Jen says, setting down the book she’d been reading aloud to her daughter.

I glance at Cara’s chart before running through a series of routine checks. “So, how are you feeling today, sweetheart?” I ask her.

“Good,” she chirps in her little six-year-old voice.

“You’re all ready for your operation tonight?”


Cara’s one of those kids who’s spent her whole life in and out of hospital; born with a congenital heart defect, she’s already had over a dozen surgeries and other procedures, along with countless emergency room visits. I first met her when she was about six months old, so it kind of feels like I’ve watched her grow up right in front of me. And although I really try not to have favorites