The Unrepentant (Skharr DeathEater #6) - Michael Anderle Page 0,4

to Throk's forge. He had assumed, however, that the dwarves in the city had gathered in a small microcosm of their own.

They were notoriously fond of their own company, after all.

That said, he had no idea that the Warrens ran so deep under the city. What had been wide hallways had opened out and led deeper into the earth, carefully and lovingly crafted by skilled hands. They passed through a handful of water caverns, where he could see the water flowed clear and with no particular smell. This meant they had managed to tap a source from well below the city and far from the sewers and the swamps.

That alone was impressive. It was the type of productivity he had come to expect from the dwarves but it was one thing to hear of it and another to see it in action. He’d spent time with them before in their homelands and it was encouraging that they had retained these abilities so far from what they were familiar with.

Those who lived there had created a small city, complete with their own guards who patrolled through the Warrens. All studied Skharr like they were trying to evaluate him and decide whether he posed a threat to them or not.

He could still hear Brahgen complaining to the woman for a good ten minutes after she had dragged him by the ear ahead of the group that escorted their visitor. In his mind, it likely meant some complaining had been earned. Even so, from the way the guards paid more mind to the youth than to him, he had a feeling the young dwarf had earned the treatment he was receiving as well.

"I would say this is a city in its own right," he said as they continued to move through what could only be described as streets beneath Verenvan. A short while later, their path wound toward a massive cavern lit by hundreds of fires and thousands of torches.

"I'd heard rumors of the Dwarven City under the City," Skharr continued and looked around the massive chamber. "I never dreamed that it was under Verenvan. Or that it would be so…large."

"Verenth var Chrondagh is a closely held secret among my kin," the woman answered and diverted her attention from the young dwarf for a moment. "I am surprised you heard of it. I suppose the dwarves in the mountains talk a little too much."

"DeathEaters and dwarves have a close bond in the mountains," he answered. "And even then, it was when we were all drunk that they told stories none were meant to speak of. I can see why, as you have hidden it under one of the empire's largest port cities."

She laughed, grasped Brahgen by the neck, and dragged him to where he could see rich fortifications, all marked with AnvilForged's sigil carved into the stone.

"If you wait at the fountain over there, I'll tell Throkrag you have arrived to speak to him," she said and shoved the younger dwarf forward and through the doors.

The barbarian nodded, moved to the fountain, and studied a variety of markings in the stone. From what he could see, it looked like a story being told. Dwarves in full battle plate marched into combat and wound upward to the top of the fountain, where a carved dragon spewed the water that filled the fountain.

Perhaps it was a fictional battle against a dragon that was in the AnvilForged legends. It might not have been fictional, of course, but that was the most likely possibility.

"DeathEater! They told me that you were waiting for me out here."

He turned as a barrel-chested dwarf approached him. His eyes looked heavy and his steps weren't as sure as they usually were. Skharr was uncertain what to make of seeing him like this. There appeared to be something of a feast happening inside, and Throk motioned for the barbarian to join him at a nearby stone table where food and drink were being set out.

"I see fine stonework here," he noted as he sat across from the dwarf. "Your hands?"

"My grandfather's. He had a hand for stone, where my hand is mostly for metal. You know…I've been thinking of you lately. There aren’t many DeathEaters in this region of the world. The Clan knows my kind a little better and you appreciate us better than most humans."

"Perhaps because we've seen what dwarves are capable of in large numbers."

"Aye. Aye, I suppose that is true. But most humans would see one of our cities