The Unicorn's Mare (Monsterly Yours #5) - S.J. Sanders Page 0,3

I hadn’t intended to bash anyone’s head in.

My eyes trail up to his horn that he’s gripping firmly with one hand, and my palms begin to itch with worry. Shit, did I nail him after all?

Noticing the direction of my gaze, he immediately drops his hand to his side and gives me a heated smile. Apparently, I didn’t make contact, or if I did, I didn’t hurt him too much because I’ve never met a man in pain who’s still able to practically fuck me with his eyes. And that is exactly what demon boy here is doing. His eyes trail over my figure in a way that’s both territorial and hot with desire. I feel the urge to preen in response, but I stubbornly ignore it. I know that I’m looking good today, but I do it for me and not for validation from anyone else.

No fucking preening, I remind myself sternly.

I tighten my expression and raise an eyebrow instead, telling him in no uncertain terms that the flirty shit won’t work on me. He can take his game and keep on moving if he thinks that this moment gives him any kind of opening with me. It wouldn’t be the first time some guy thought he could use an accident to creep on me. I always shut them down.

This is a first for me, however, coming from a fae male. Most of the ones I’ve encountered since the portals opened haven’t even looked twice at me, and that’s the way I prefer it.

Ever since the portals opened, having all manner of creatures in our world has taken some getting used to, not only in terms of appearance but also behavior. Human men are enough of a headache, but a fae male is bound to be all kinds of trouble. I am pretty sure this guy is going to be a handful, because a tingle of apprehension on my neck is telling me that this guy isn’t going to be so easily scared away.

“Are you okay?” I ask again, since he seems to have forgotten that I said anything in the first place and I’m really in a hurry.

His smile widens, displaying the curious double fangs that so many of the fae possess. I’m distracted enough by it that I flinch when his head drops in a tiny theatric bow, all too aware of the intensity of his burning gaze that never seems to leave me the entire time.

“I’m fine, ahandral,” he assures me. “Don’t concern yourself. I am certain that even if you had succeeded in striking me with the door, it would be a fair trade for meeting you.”

My other eyebrow rises to match my first one. Is this guy for real? Ironically, even though it scores way off the board on my bullshit meter, I do enjoy the cadence of his voice. It’s odd too, since I normally want men to shut up and leave me in peace when they’re flirting with me. But there’s something about the way the demon in front of me talks that sends heat curling through me and makes my skin prickle with unwelcome interest.

It may be because his husky voice is soft and has a musical beauty to it, like wind chimes gently singing beneath every syllable. It’s the single most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, and while it draws me in, I also feel an overwhelming urge to run in the opposite direction. I’m pretty sure that this is the sensible part of my brain throwing a warning flag, and I immediately back away.

I already paid my dues—and paid hard—falling for a charming, charismatic man with an irresistible smile. My heart fell for the smooth words and empty promises of a conman, and I have nothing to show for it except for a broken heart, a ruined business, and an empty bank account. I’m not going to fall victim to the same old shit. I’m only now starting to get back on track with my five-year plan. I’m not messing that up for anyone. Certainly not a one-horned demon who’s looking at me like I might be his favorite treat to nibble.

Gods help me.

“Glad to hear it,” I reply politely and try to slide past him.

Unsuccessfully, I might add.

Although built lithe in the way I imagine a male dancer would be, all sleek, whipcord strength, he’s bigger than most human men and dominates the aisle. There’s no way I’m going to slide between him and the booth. I can