The Unicorn's Mare (Monsterly Yours #5) - S.J. Sanders Page 0,2

to add numbers to my money, despite not knowing exactly how many numbers there should be, but it must not matter too much since no one has refused it. The coins are far easier to manage, thankfully. What a shame that humans don’t use more of them.

I set the money on the table, give her a polite nod as I brush a lock of long white hair back from my face, and head to the entrance.

It seems that the café, which had seemed to call to me just an hour earlier, wouldn’t be the place after all. How disappointing.

Frowning at my miserable luck, I’m about to reach for the door when a woman appears on the other side, nothing more than a dark silhouette through the glass, and shoves it open. The door snaps toward me viciously, but I step back just in time to avoid breaking it with my horn. My horn would be perfectly safe, but the ringing in my ears would go on for hours. As it is, it still manages to graze the side of my head in its attempt to take off an ear in passing.

A vision gapes at me, red lips parting in surprise. Liquid dark eyes, large, cat-like, and intoxicating, widen in horror on her cherubic face. Her rounded cheeks and a dainty, pointed chin immediately captivate me, as does the subtle blush rising into her face and down her neck, darkening the warm, brown hue of her complexion. My eyes follow the trail of her blush to the base of her neck where her thick, tight curls fall in a full, beautiful cascade like a fountain to rest on her elegantly sloped shoulders. My breath catches as I allow my eyes to wander over her, and I wonder where else that blush may extend to on her lush figure. I would love to find out.

Desire rises with a sudden blast through me, sending a burning hot spark of magic into my horn. For a moment, I’m overwhelmed by the feeling. Even my lungs ache as I draw in her scent. There is something floral perfuming her, but underneath that is the rich, warm scent of female flesh that invites me to explore it and peel away the deep purple matching pants and jacket. I can see a hint of a white lacey covering that peeks out from the V of her jacket that’s so delicate and feminine I am instantly smitten. A powerful feeling, since I’m practically shivering with desire already.

The burn of my magic is alarming since it’s eating up my reserves, shortening my lifespan if not replenished, but I can’t help but to luxuriate in the feeling. I’m pretty sure that my horn is glowing right now too. It certainly feels more molten where it protrudes from my brow.

There is only one reason that my magic would sear so hot and bright within me, and it fills me with elation.

Am I smiling? I feel like I’m smiling foolishly as I stare at her, but I can’t help it.

I have found my ahandral mare!

A shiver runs through me, and I hiss with the rapid release of pleasure-pain that follows. The burn of the magic being called is something that is discussed reverently, but I had no idea. No idea that it would be this incredible.

I shift, and my cock strains uncomfortably within my pants as the heat of my body recognizing her makes it harden like a rock. A need for relief thrums through me, but I am mercifully distracted by the movement of a graceful hand as she brushes back a mass of tight, dark curls and winces in sympathy, her full lips pressing together tightly until the perfect bow of her upper lip flattens with worry.

“I am so sorry,” she says with a quick peek at my horn and cheek. “I swear I didn’t even see you there. Are you okay?”

My mate’s concern is so sweet that I can’t help but to be utterly smitten with her. Seems I’m a very lucky male indeed.

Chapter 2


For fuck’s sake, I can’t believe I almost took off the head of a one-horned albino demon thing with the door. I’m not usually so careless. It can only be blamed on my frantic schedule that I’m trying desperately to stay on top of and my incredible need for a caffeine fix so I can survive it. I may have been a bit hasty, not to mention a little distracted by a text message, but