Two to Tangle (A Tangle Valley Romance #2) - Melissa Brayden Page 0,3

constructed an entire mind-blowing, sock-stealing meal? Impossible.”

“Very possible. That was ninety minutes ago, to be precise, but I also took a shower.” She showed off her partially wet hair with a quick toss.

“What kind of witchcraft is this?” Joey asked, regarding Gabriella with suspicion, her blue eyes narrowing.

She took another bite and pointed at Joey. “Why are you here? You’re never here at dinnertime. Aren’t you supposed to be canoodling in after-hours splendor with your beloved?” Gabriella melted. Joey and Becca were the cutest couple.

“Right? I should be. I’m missing any and all canoodling.” Joey sighed and sat down. Gabriella wordlessly walked over a plate of food, which Joey accepted. Their shorthand had developed nicely over the last few months of living and working in such close proximity.

“Then what gives?”

“Becca is staying late at the resort because some fancy-pants guests are having a special dinner in the restaurant that she needed to be there for. That leaves me alone.” She brightened. “Well, not anymore. I thought I’d come see you.”

“Anytime.” Gabriella gestured with her chin to the plate. “Tell me the truth. Thoughts?”

Joey paused mid-bite. “I don’t even know what this dish is, but I’d be willing to enter into a committed relationship with it. If it has family members, I’d love to meet them.”

“Chicken scaloppine. Plenty of family. You have my blessing.”

“Then we’re officially in love.”

Gabriella relaxed into a smile. Exactly the kind of thing she liked to hear about her food. She finished her own plate and carried it to the sink while Joey launched into an update on all things restaurant related. Vendor lists, staffing advertisements, and dining room design.

“Looking at a timeline,” Joey said, “I think we can safely hope to open in early summer.”

“Fantastic. Any thoughts on a name?” Gabriella asked. They’d batted around a few ideas with an Italian theme to match the menu, even going as far as to consider naming it Filomena’s after Gabriella’s maternal grandmother back in Positano, Italy. But somehow that didn’t feel grounded to the vineyard itself.

“Not yet. You?”

Gabriella held up a cautionary hand. “Hear me out. I know we’ve tossed around lots of fancy names that give the tongue a fun workout, but I’m feeling like maybe we lean into simple.”

Joey thought on it. “I like simple.”

“What about…Tangled?” She let the word linger in the air for a moment before continuing. “Not only is it a great name for a restaurant all on its own, but when people talk about it in the community, everyone will remember its origin and location.”

“It does seem like good branding.” Joey hesitated. “But I wanted the restaurant to feel like yours, too, not just an extension of the Wilder family. This project belongs as much to you as to me.”

Gabriella warmed. “It means so much that you’re including me in so many of the decisions.”

Joey shrugged. “I know wine and how to sell it. I stay in my lane and leave this part of the business to you. I love Tangled if you do.”

Gabriella grinned. “I think we have our name.” Goose bumps sprang up on her arms the way they always did when something felt right. This did.

“Done. Also, I have a date for construction,” Joey said, prompting Gabriella to halt mid dish scrub.

“Finally?” Her heart rate escalated, the excitement taking hold. “I thought we’d never get there. Don’t get me wrong—I love cooking in Jolene.” She came around the counter to address Joey fully. “But once that beautiful building with all the natural light is remodeled, I plan to set more than just my kitchen on fire.” She shook her head, lost in a daydream about all she planned to serve. The menu was still in draft form, but it was coming along. The scaloppine had just made the cut.

Joey seemed to enjoy her celebration. “I have a feeling this town isn’t going to know what hit them once we open this place and you get to work. Napa who?”

“I love the way you think.” Gabriella placed a hand on her hip. “When do we start demo?”

“Ryan has us on the calendar for two weeks from tomorrow.”

Gabriella had met Ryan Jacks, the owner of the remodeling outfit, only briefly, but she seemed knowledgeable and ambitious. Two great qualities. She also happened to be drop-dead gorgeous. Not an awful perk. But Joey’s update tossed her into an excited flurry. “Ack! I feel like there’s so much to do.” She turned and made a lap around her kitchen island. “Isn’t there so