The Tracker Hive Academy Year One - Avery Song Page 0,3

cane up slightly. "These men don't deserve mercy."

He slammed his cane down.

The ground shook and a wave of energy burst from both ends, hitting me and the five men waiting for this man’s answer.

My legs grew weak and I fell back on my butt, but I noticed the cement wasn't drenched.

That's impossible. The ground is still wet. It's still...raining.

Glancing up with wide eyes, I noticed the raindrops suspended in the air. I lifted my finger to poke one of the tiny droplets. I expected it to burst into mini particles, but instead, I merely felt its firm outer shell.

Did this man stop time?

I’d never read in any spell books of anyone having the ability to pause time, but when I peered at the man before me, he was walking forward and the men who were chasing me were frozen solid.

Lifting his cane up, he tapped each of the men's heads. I was unsure what his actions would do as he reached the final guy and swirled back around, walking to where I sat on my butt in wonder.

When he stood before me, he offered a hand to help me up. Staring at it, I pouted my lips and fought my aching body to stand up on my own.

"I'm strong. I don't need your help," I said defiantly.

"I'm aware that you are strong, dear. It is always nice to learn to trust those willing to help. Even if it’s a rare occurrence."

"Trust is earned," I voiced.

"Big words for a child."

"I'm eight," I argued.

The man looked happy with my response and tapped his cane against the ground. Just like that, time started again, and the five men dropped to the ground.

My jaw fell open as I stared in horror, leaning to one side to get a better look at the men who lay unmoving on the ground.

When I noticed the pools of dark liquid, I gulped but knew without a doubt the men were now dead.

"Now that those men are out of the picture, I best be going. I do recommend you find solace elsewhere. There are many shelters that would take you in and maybe protect you from the dangers of living on the streets," he advised. "Unless you'd like to come with me?"

I took note of his offer, but his statement made me mad.

"There's solace in being homeless!" I argued proudly.

It was stupid that I was being presented a chance out of this life, and here I was defending it.

The man’s warm laughter was soft yet calming. He knelt down on one knee before me. With a sincere smile, he bobbed his head.

"You're correct, but there's also solace in having a roof over your head. There's peace in knowing you can sleep in peace and not in fear. There's comfort in living in a safe environment, and most importantly, there's hope in learning just how powerful you are."

He presented his open palm, and I watched in shock as eight balls appeared. Each was a different color, but even I knew what each symbolized and the power harnessed within its thin walls.

"Eight...elements," I whispered in awe.

"Just like you."

My eyes bore into his, wondering if he was good or hiding behind his saving grace.

"You know that I have eight?"

"I do. The same way those men know how special you are. The only difference is I can help you and they want to use you for money and power."

I liked how this man didn't treat me like a kid. He showed a sense of respect toward me, which very few people did.

They didn't know what I'd learned and experienced. What I'd done to grow fast and smart.

"I'm not good to be around."

"I wasn't either when I first gained my magic. I got better with time and training."

"I don't trust you."

"You don't have to in the beginning. This offering is all I can do to prove I'm not like those men who have been chasing you for months."

"Months. How do you...?" I blinked at him.

"You are what many refer to as a Tracker. Individuals with massive magic power. It's one of my duties to keep an eye on Trackers who have no knowledge of who and what they are. I've protected you from afar, but things have become too dangerous."

Lowering my head, I felt annoyed at his dangerous comment. Every day was dangerous for a homeless person like me. What did he know?

"Every alley has been blocked off with magic," the man announced, shifting my attention from my annoyance. "If you had jumped up