Thraxas and the Ice Dragon - By Martin Scott Page 0,3

noisily overhead as we arrive. It's a cold morning and the sky is dull. Though we're nearing the end of winter there's no sign of the temperature rising.

"We should find Kublinos," says Lisutaris.

We set off in search of the Harbour Sorcerer. The shingle crunches under our feet as we scramble along the shore. At the end of the beach we're faced with a problem. The harbour walls sweep up towards the cliffs, leaving no gap.

"How do we get in?" asks Makri, and looks towards Lisutaris as if the Sorcerer might levitate us over the walls.

Lisutaris purses her lips. "I'm not sure. Is there a gate?" She takes out her pouch of thazis and frowns as she rolls herself a small stick. "Just as well we reached civilisation. I've almost run out."

"I wouldn't get your hopes up," I tell her. "Thazis is illegal in Samsarina."

Lisutaris looks at me sharply. "I'm sure a supply will be forthcoming for the Head of the Sorcerers Guild."

"Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, you probably shouldn't be smoking it when we arrive."

Lisutaris ignores me, and smokes her thazis stick as we walk along the foot of the walls. Finally we come to a small, locked door. Makri pounds on it. Nothing happens. Lisutaris frowns.

"I didn't cross the ocean in a leaky boat just to stand around on a cold beach for the rest of my life."

She raises her hand to cast a spell - which, I'm thinking, might not be the wisest thing to do, as no one likes having their harbour defences breached by strangers - when the door abruptly opens and a uniformed man stares at us suspiciously.

"Who are you?" he demands. Behind him I can see a few more guards with their weapons ready.

"Lisutaris, Mistress of the Sky, Head of the Sorcerers Guild," announces Lisutaris, grandly. "Take us to Harbour Sorcerer Kublinos."

To our surprise, the guard bursts out laughing. "You don't look like a Sorcerer." He turns his eyes on Makri, who, with her reddish skin, vast main of dark hair, pierced nose and man's tunic, does make for an unusual sight.

"What are you supposed to be?"

"Makri. Bodyguard to Lisutaris."

This produces further mirth. I shove my way to the front. "Do you have beer?'



Lisutaris turns her head towards me. "Could the beer wait for a moment, Thraxas?" she says, quite frostily. "Guards, take us to Kublinos. Turai has fallen and I must consult with your Sorcerers."

The guards let us through the gate, though they're still suspicious. Lisutaris is famous throughout the West, but I'm not sure that they believe the bedraggled figure at their gates really is her. I keep an eye out for beer as we're led through the walls and into a guard house. There's a long delay while soldiers and lieutenants come and go, asking Lisutaris questions, and sending off messages. Lisutaris comes close to losing her temper, and informs the lieutenant that if he doesn't hurry things along she'll prove who she is by causing his head to explode. As she's now looking angry enough to do it, he gets the message, and rushes off to fetch Kublinos.

Lisutaris grunts in annoyance. "I knew Samsarina would be like this," she mutters to Makri. "If you think women have a hard time in Turai, wait till you've been here a while."

I'm distracted by the sound of clashing swords. Several men are practicing their fighting technique in the courtyard below.

"Officers make you practice a lot?' I ask the guard who's been left with us.

"That's Basinos, sword fighting champion of the southern armies. He's getting ready for the tournament."

Of course, the great sword fighting tournament. I hadn't realised it was so close.

"Is he a favourite?" I'm always keen to pick up tips in case there's an opportunity for gambling.

"One of the best in Samsarina. But there are a lot of good fighters. I'd say Elupus the Simnian will win it again this year."

I've heard of Elupus, of course. He's won tournaments all over the West. Makri comes over to watch. After studying Basinos's combat technique for a few seconds, she makes a small sound of derision.

"His defence is weak," she says. "I'd send him packing soon enough."

The guard grins at me. Makri might be carrying two swords and an axe but he obviously doesn't imagine she knows how to use them. I grin back at him, because it's just struck me that while Makri is one of the most lethal sword-fighters ever to enter an arena, she's completely unknown in Samsarina. If she were to