Testing Truth (Cyborg Space Exploration #6) - Cynthia Sax

Chapter One

Truth lived every planet rotation as though it were his last.

He squeezed as much joy out of the moments as he possibly could, threw himself into each battle he faced, strove to find humor in the darkest situations.

If there wasn’t enough excitement, if the planet rotations started to blur together and there was no action to be found, he considered it to be his self-appointed duty to create some for himself and for his brethren.

This planet rotation, he might have manufactured a few too many thrills for the beings on board the Reckless. The tension in the air was palpable…and extremely noisy.

“Release me.” North’s image appeared on the main viewscreen. His bellows could be heard throughout the ship. Captain’s second-in-command struggled against his restraints.

The D Model had been secured against a wall in the medic bay of the Reckless. The contraption had been designed to hold all model types of cyborgs.

It had taken the combined efforts of Captain, Captain’s offspring Future, Dissent, Chuckles, and Doc to restrict North’s movements. The warrior hadn’t wanted to leave his offspring-manufacturing female’s side, had been determined to protect her from the perils of that process.

Truth hadn’t participated in the battle. Captain had unfortunately processed it prudent to exclude him. He’d missed that entertainment.

“Doc will release you when this last stage of offspring manufacturing has been completed.” Captain’s voice was flat. He sat on the bridge with his female and his offspring, plus Truth, Dissent, and Chuckles.

The other females and Doc tended to the soon-to-be new mother.

“Release me now.” The terror for his female was causing North to malfunction. No one, not even Truth, fought Captain’s orders. Not unless the warrior wanted to be jettisoned into space.

“You won’t assist with the process, warrior.” Captain’s gaze shifted to his female and his offspring and his countenance softened. “None of us have the programming to assist with it.”

Truth had been part of the great effort to subdue Captain when Captain’s female had been in the late stages of manufacturing Future. Captain had ripped Truth’s right arm completely off and Doc had to tend to him after he tended to Captain’s female.

That was when Doc had proposed crafting the restraints.

Cyborgs wouldn’t allow their females to be damaged, would battle the universe to prevent that from happening, and females had to be damaged temporarily during offspring manufacturing. The little cyborgs’ skulls, crafted from metal, had no bend to them.

“If you could have persuaded your offspring to delay his appearance for one more planet rotation, you wouldn’t be alone during the process. We would have rendezvoused with the fleet. They would have safeguarded the Reckless while we waited with you.” Captain’s gaze moved to Truth. “But Victorious the Vanquisher is determined to operate on his own schedule.”

Ayeeee. North’s offspring released a battle cry through the transmission lines. The little cyborg shared footage of himself smacking face-first against the wall of his mother’s womb.

Truth winced. That must have hurt both the offspring and the offspring’s humanoid mother.

“Truth.” North bellowed his name, shaking the restraints.

Captain’s Second is going to tear your limbs off once he’s freed, D Model. Dissent, Truth’s closest friend, warned him through a private transmission line. I’ve never seen him this upset. Ever.

“None of us influenced the timing of his appearance.” Truth said that in his own defense. “Victorious the Vanquisher determined that for himself.”

“Yes, but one of us didn’t have to teach North’s offspring the Myrina the Magnificent body slam.” Captain’s tone was dry. “We didn’t have to give him sufficient tools to decide the timing.”

Everyone on the bridge turned their heads and stared at Truth.

It could have been someone else. Those flippant words dangled on the tip of his tongue.

But he couldn’t voice that reply because cyborgs were programmed to always tell the truth and that statement would be a lie.

It also couldn’t have been someone else on the Reckless.

Only he was that bold.

“I was regaling the offspring with tales of his mother’s daring.” The little cyborg had been bored…as Truth had been. He hadn’t projected it would cause anyone damage.

Ayeeee. The offspring slammed his small body harder against his mother’s womb.

Guilt jabbed at Truth. Although he hadn’t projected the damage, he was responsible for it. “North, you can pull my limbs off once you’re free.”

The pain would be excruciating, but it would appease the male, lessen Truth’s misgivings, and it might be entertaining for everyone on the ship, himself included.

“There will be no pulling off of limbs.” Captain denied them that possible fun. “And there will