Taming Coyote - E.C. Land



10 Months Ago

Why the hell did my Prez want me to come down here again? That’s right because his ol’ lady was concerned for a woman who was supposedly her friend.

Yeah, fuckin’ right.

No friend would ever hand another over to a person who wants to hurt them. Shit if I could, I’d have taken my best friend’s place the night he’d died in that car accident. The day Chase left this world a piece of me died. So, the fact this Milley chick set Rachel up doesn’t sit well with me.

Pulling into Greensville, I head for the tattoo shop Rachel told me Milley worked at. Having no idea what this bitch looks like, I’m walking in blind. Maybe I should have gotten a picture of the chick, but my mind was elsewhere. The same as it is every year at this time. The anniversary of Chase’s death.

I thought it hit me hard but his little sister, fuck, there’s no words to describe the pain she’s suffered through over the years. If it wasn’t for the fact I’d been so close the day she tried to take her life, Izzy wouldn’t be here. Now she’s married to the Prez of one of the other charters and truly happy. Twister and Izzy have a beautiful daughter.

My goddaughter at that.

Talk about speechless, I didn’t know what to think of it when they’d asked me to be Mercy’s godfather. Granted her name is Leanna Mercy. We all call her Mercy because that’s just what she came into the world as. Mercy for my best friend’s sister.

As I get to the tattoo shop my brows furrow at finding it closed. Getting off my bike, I move to the windows to look inside, I find it bare of any furnishings.

Fuck me. I came here for no reason.

The bitch is gone.

Guess that means I can find a bar, get tanked, find a bitch to fuck in the bathroom, then go to my room at the motel that I’d already reserved before getting here.

First, I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Prez’s number.

“You find her?” He growls into the phone, showing his annoyance in having me do this.

“Nope, tattoo shop’s closed. Doesn’t look like anyone’s been here in a while,” I inform him as I scan the streets.

“Alright. I’ll tell Rachel. I’m not going on a wild goose chase looking for this woman. So, come on back to the clubhouse,” Prez grumbles.

“I’m gonna stay the night here and be back tomorrow. Who knows, maybe the chick isn’t far away. Didn’t Rachel say Milley lived above the shop?” I ask.

“Yeah, she did.” Hearing him sigh, I could almost picture Prez pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Then, I’ll check this evening when it gets dark to see if anyone lives there. Right now, this entire area is sparse and if she does, I highly doubt she’ll be there.”

“Good idea, you do that and let me know later what you find. Keep your head up though you’re still in another territory that we don’t control,” he reminds me of something I’m well aware of. This area used to belong to Rachel’s ex; however, after taking out the entire club it’s now gone under the reigns of the gang they’d been affiliated with.

Demon Raiders.

From what Nerd has been able to pull up on them, they are not ones for taking any prisoners.

After a few more words, I finally get off the phone and start my bike up. As I head down the road, I find a bar about two blocks away from the tattoo shop. Figuring this place would be as good as any to wait while having a drink.

Parking my girl, I climb off and stride toward the door. Before I have the damn thing open, music can be heard blaring through the speakers. Fuck, isn’t it too early to be playing shit this fuckin’ loud?

Glancing around the bar, several tables are scattered around the area with three pool tables set to one side. A jukebox is sitting directly across from the bar and when my eyes land on the bartender my dick hardens on sight.

Fuck she’s gorgeous. Blond hair has always been my weakness. When she looks up from wiping the inside of a glass and smiles, I know I’m gonna be balls deep in her before the night is over.

“Hey, handsome, what can I get you?” she asks as I move to sit directly in front of her. Sitting down I grin as I give her a