Take Me #2 - Love Me - Bella Andre Page 0,3

heroine in a romance novel it would be okay. But this wasn't fantasy. This was real life.

Her life.

“You know what boys,” she began, “I don't think—”

She was cut off by the doorbell.

What the hell? Who could possibly be coming to see her at 1:30 in the morning?

Oh God, she immediately thought, something has happened to Lily or the kids.

Panicked, she flew to the door and yanked it open.

It took her brain longer than it should have to register the fact that Luke Carson was standing in front of her, long enough for him to take her completely unaware with his hands on her shoulders.

And his mouth hard and hot on hers.

In an instant, everything fell away but his kiss. It was hungry, like a trapped lion who'd broken through his chains and could finally unleash the urge to devour his prey whole.

He wasn't asking, he was taking.


A hundred times—no, at least a thousand times—she'd dreamed of kissing Luke, had stared at his mouth, at his lips, and wondered how they'd feel pressed up against her skin. And yet, even her best fantasies, even the ones that had her crying out his name in bed with one of her battery-operated toys, didn't begin to come close to this beautiful reality.

My God, he was delicious. A spicy, darkly sensual aphrodisiac. Powerful and satisfying.

He forced his tongue into her mouth, ruthless as he sucked her breath into his body. She moaned with pleasure that came from way deep down in her core and wrapped her hands around his rock-hard butt to pull him closer.

His hands were rough, unyielding as they curved hard into the small of her back, then tightly gripped the curve of her ass. All space, all air between them was completely obliterated in his full-on assault on her mouth, her body.

“What the hell?”

“Who the fuck is he?”

Two male voices spoke almost in unison.

Oh crap. She'd completely forgotten about her would-be fuck buddies.

Luke yanked his mouth away from hers to look up and over her shoulder. It was, Janica thought, like watching a really messy accident happen in slow motion. You almost felt like you could step in and stop it from happening if you were quick enough. Even though the truth was she didn't have a chance in hell of halting the crash.

Luke growled a succinct, “Get out,” at the two men.

“Wait a minute,” Nick said, stepping forward. “We were here first.”

Luke all but puffed out his chest and bared his teeth. “I said get the fuck out.”

When he acted like this she was almost scared of him. She'd never seen Luke look so menacing. Or so possessive. A delicious little shiver ran through her.

All this time she'd thought she had him completely figured out. She'd been absolutely certain he was a type A, arrogant surgeon, destined for a blond trophy wife to decorate his suburban home and carpool his J. Crew clad kids to soccer games. She'd pegged him as Mr. Perfect, someone who had never uttered a curse word in his life. Amazingly, the word “fuck” sounded just right on his tongue.

If she was wrong about that, then what else was she wrong about?

Janica opened her mouth to tell the boys she was going to send them home anyway and Luke's hands tightened on her shoulders.

“Don't you say a damn word.”

Again, desire rode through her at his command. She'd tried the whole master-submissive thing once—with her as the dominatrix, of course, in a leather corset and “fuck me” boots—but hurting someone to get them off hadn't been her cup of tea.

Luke's tough-guy act, on the other hand, was exactly her brand of Earl Grey.

Unfortunately, the boys she'd met at the bar weren't too quick on the uptake.

“Fuck you, man,” Jarod said. “We were here first. We're staying.”

Again, Janica tried to say something, but Luke pulled her so hard against him she actually lost her breath.

“She just uninvited you, asshole. Both of you.”

The two guys advanced on Luke and that was when she decided enough was enough. No way was she going to waste precious lip-lock time with Luke on what was sure to be a bloody fight with these bozos.

Another time she'd let three guys fight over her. Right now there was only one thing she wanted: to be alone, preferably naked, with the man of her dreams.

“I'm really sorry, guys, but I completely forgot about this appointment I had with Luke.”

Their mouths fell open in a particularly unattractive way. How had she ever found their beefy-arms and