The Switch (Avery Falls Motorcycle Club #1) - Debra Kayn Page 0,2

He wasn't one to talk about others or himself.

"You can ask him tomorrow." He stuffed the bag behind his belt and pushed through the doors.

It was easy for those living in Avery Falls to think they had a say in what went down, even with Avery Falls Motorcycle Club running the town. Pacifying everyone took up a lot of his free time.

Johnny rode in on his motorcycle and stopped at the gas pump. His MC brother slid the card each member carried through the slot and started the pump. While the rest of those living or visiting Avery Falls had to do business during the hours each business was open, the members had access to the things they needed twenty-four/seven.

Trip raised his leg and sat on his Harley. "Heading out?"

"Yep." Johnny glanced to the east. "I'll be ghosting until the sun comes up."

He lifted his chin. "See you on the flipside."

Each night, two members rode up to the cave. The old collapsed train tunnel took two years to blow through and now contained a hidden room used strictly for club business.

It was nearly impossible for outsiders to stumble into and discover the activities inside the cave. Business that Avery Falls Motorcycle Club hid carefully behind a recreational hotspot. Even the locals gave them minimal problems because the MC kept the population down to a manageable number.

He crossed the street and rode around the chain strung across the entrance, blocking off the RV park until six o'clock in the morning. Hank stood from the sitting log by the lit campfire, holding the cash pouch in his hand. Without getting off the motorcycle, Trip rolled by him and snagged the package.

"Thanks, brother." He held up his hand as he one-handedly throttled the Harley, heading toward the exit.

He slipped the pouch into the inside pocket of his vest and then rode around the closed gate. Guests were free to leave the property on foot or off-road vehicles if they chose, but the tight curfew cut down on people going where they shouldn't be in the dark. There were too many trails and dangerous roads woven through the mountain ranges, and the last thing the club wanted to do was go out on a search and rescue looking for someone without the brains to survive in the wilderness.

Not to mention, visitors thought the bears, moose, and wolves were...cute.

He rode east, stopping at the store. Going inside, he took J.J.'s kiss as she greeted him.

"I've missed you." She wound her arms around his neck. "Are you going to be at the clubhouse tonight?"

As she talked, she pressed her firm breasts against the front of his leather vest. "I plan on going home and catching up on my sleep."

"But, I want to see you."

"Get in line."

She pouted. "You're in a mood."

"Not enough hours in the day." He slipped out of her arms. "Bag?"

She grabbed the pouch off the top of the register, and her gaze softened. "Go home, Trip. Get some rest. I'll see you next time."

"Plan to." He swung through the door and stepped outside.

J.J. was a good woman. He'd spent time with her, seeking relief. Neither one of them had any desire for anything more.

Taking the bags off him, he transferred everything to the duffle on the back of his Harley and took off to make the round to check the doors at the school, post office, and public restrooms. He ended the night at the diner, where Steven walked out the back door and tossed him the money pouch.

"Thanks." He fisted the cash.

Steven pulled the apron over his head and tossed it over his shoulder. "Need dinner?"

"I'm good." He looked around the area. "Things are picking up early this season."

"I've seen a few faces I haven't seen before." Steven's brows lowered. "Are you meeting with Prez tonight?"

"Wasn't planning on it." All he had to do was drop off the cash with Keenan. "Problem?"

Steven walked closer. "There's a woman with two kids inside. She's asking a lot of questions."

"What about?"

"The house Prez put Ruger in before he goes full-time into the community."

"The one on the knoll?" He took his hands off the handlebar. "No one knows about that place."

"She does." Steven looked behind him at the building before facing Trip again. "About ten minutes into eating, she gave Elena an address and asked if she knew how to get there. She had trouble getting Google to work on her cell phone."

There wasn't much use for the internet here. Everything went through the cell towers,