Supernatural Villain (Supernatural Captivity #3) - Avery Song Page 0,3

Believe us. We're waiting...and we fucking love you."

"I love you, too," I whispered and forced myself to give him one last kiss. "All of you."

He kissed me back, and I felt the press of his lips fade away until he was gone like the rest of the world.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in the hotel room. Tears streamed down my face, and I looked down to see the blanket that covered my frame. Glancing around the room, I noticed the light to the washroom was on while the door was closed.

Omarion must be back.

I wished to wipe away my tears, but my body was still asleep. Just moving felt like a chore, and I wasn't sure if I could mentally handle it.

The door opened then, the switch of the light followed with Omarion walking out in just a towel. His red eyes seemed to be charged with magic, which only told me he must have had to deal with some form of confrontation for him to still be charged.

When his eyes landed on me, he looked slightly relieved, until he noticed my tear-stained cheeks. Without a word, he walked over to me, and in a smooth movement, lifted me up like I weighed nothing and lowered me onto his lap.

He held me against him, his free hand wiping away my tears before moving strands of my hair out of the way of my face. We still didn't exchange a single word, but the silence was so welcomed for I wasn't ready to speak.

I'm not ready to dive into this new reality.

He stroked my hair as he comforted me by holding me. I relaxed against his chest, while the dream with Dominick replayed in my mind. He always knew how to reach me in my dreams, which made me wonder if I could even hope.

No. Hope only leads to expectations. Hope is for the weak. I can't act on my revenge with the idea they could be alive. They were stolen from me...and that man and all those involved must pay.

I closed my eyes and let my tears fall, my quiet sobs muffled by Omarion's chest. He let me shed every tear, my body growing so weak, I could barely keep conscious when I stopped sobbing.

He somehow understood that I needed rest, and sure enough, he laid me upon the bed and tucked me between the soft, silky sheets and a light blanket. Time passed, the sound of the clock ticking away becoming the main melody of the night.

At some point, the bed dipped slightly and arms wrapped around me comfortingly. The warmth of Omarion's body began to relax my tense muscles, all while I enjoyed the humming relief I felt with his presence.

Being enclosed in his loving embrace confirmed that I wasn't alone in this new war. That I'd be walking on this path with someone by my side. It may have felt like I couldn't handle this without my supernatural bros, but deep down, I knew better.

I'm strong, powerful, and a dangerous threat to the supernatural world.

They would fear my wrath. Fear all I could accomplish once they saw a glimpse of what I could do. I mentally knew this, and it was the very fear that had stopped me from achieving so many things in my past that wished to hold me captive in the depths of the night.

No more.

As a princess, I was meant to carry a sense of sympathy. I may carry the very title to my name, but that wasn't the intention I'd instill when my name was brought up to the world.

It was time for me to be a villain. To walk with my crown upon my head and to burn this new path until I got exactly what I wanted.


Repeating my motive in my head aided my desire to rest. I was physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. A bit of sleep would make it easier for me to move forward on this conquest.

That only made it easier to submit to the darkness.

Just as the strings of sleep began to wrap around my consciousness, I felt the soft touch of Omarion's lips upon my lips.

"Rest, my queen." The deep command was like a far away sonata. "I'm here, and together, we'll reunite with those you cherish.'ll become whole again."

It's time to walk the path of a villain.


Candlelight Mourning And Villaneous Traitor

"Let us lift our candles up to the sky! Let the gods hear our cries and pleas for justice! We