Summer's Distant Heart - Laura Landon

Chapter 1

Hunter Montclaire knelt at his brother’s bedside and reached for his hand. His brother’s palm was damp, his skin hot and clammy. He’d been in the throes of a violent fever for more than a week, and the physician who had just left gave him little chance of recovery.

“Hunt?” his brother whispered.

“Yes, Evan. I’m right here.” Hunter took a wet cloth from the bedside table and wiped his brother’s brow. “You must fight to get better, Evan.” He struggled to keep the desperation from his voice. But it was close to impossible.

“I’m afraid the choice is out of my hands, Hunt. I’m afraid only God knows how long I have left on this earth.”

Hunter stood to rinse the cloth in the fresh cool water a maid had arrived with a short while ago. It was important that his brother didn’t see the worry on his face. It was hard enough to keep the terror from his voice.

Hunter wrung out the cloth and placed it on Evan’s forehead.

“Is Father gone, Hunt?”

“Yes. He went down to his study. I think he could not bear to watch you struggle to catch your breath any longer.”

“Good. It’s you I need to speak with.”

“Don’t get maudlin on me, Evan. I refuse to let you speak as though you won’t see morning.”

“Perhaps I won’t,” Evan said, then struggled to pull in enough air to fill his lungs. He failed.

“I refuse to listen to you talk like that, Evan. I won’t allow it.”

“I have something to tell you, Hunt. It’s important.”

Hunter pulled up a chair and sat at Evan’s bedside. “Very well. What is it you need to say to me?”

“First, I want you to know how much…I love you. How very important you have always been…to me. How much I regret…the way things have always been…between you and Father.”

Hunter’s throat thickened with emotion. He couldn’t speak.

“I know Father has always favored me…over you, Hunt, and I know why. He blamed you…for every bit of trouble…I got into. Even when he knew I was at fault. But don’t let his words…or his actions…get the better of you. You have…nothing…to fear…from him. Stand up to him…as you have always done, and be your…own man.”

Hunter tried to smile. “You know how he hates it when I do that. It always infuriates him.”

“Then you must continue to do it. It will keep him on his guard. Never allow him to…think he has the upper hand over you. He’ll destroy you…if he thinks he can…master you.”

Hunter could see how parched his brother was and rose to get him something to drink.

“You might be the next Earl of Atherton.”

“Stop talking like that. I don’t want to be the next earl. I have never wanted the title.”

Evan ignored his demand and continued. “I know you’ve never wanted it…but it will be yours, brother. And you must take over…the duties at which I have…failed.”

“You’re the epitome of successful earldom, Evan. You’ve never failed at anything.”

“Yes. I have.”

His brother gasped for air, then reached for Hunter’s hand and pulled him closer. “I grieve that you’ve never met the woman with whom I’ve fallen in love, Hunt. Janice Halloway. Professor Halloway’s daughter. I love her with my whole being, Hunt, and we were…married.”


Hunter couldn’t believe Evan’s words.

“We married in secret because…Father proved he would never…accept her. And I could not live without her.” Evan stopped to catch his breath. “Find her, Hunt. Promise me that you will…take care of her. She may be carrying…my heir. The future Earl of Atherton. If the babe is a girl…Father will not lift a finger to help my wife or the child. You know that. He would rather see them starve…than provide for them.”

Evan clutched Hunter’s hand harder.

“Don’t let Father find out…about the babe. He will not accept it. His anger could well put the babe in danger.”

Hunter couldn’t find his voice. He couldn’t answer his brother because he knew Evan’s words were true. Their father would never accept a child whose mother was a commoner. He’d treat her and the babe as he would an unwanted pest. Or a litter of kittens for which he had no use.

“Promise me you’ll…find her and…take care of her…and the child, Hunt.”

“I will, Evan. I promise.”

His brother’s head sank deeper into the pile of pillows that allowed him to sit almost upright. It was the only way he could breathe.

“Where is this lass you married, Evan?”

Evan shook his head slightly. “I…I can’t be sure. I doubt…she’s with her family…any longer. She said she