Summer Heat - Charlie Richards Page 0,3

asked, nudging Cardin with his elbow.

Nodding, Cardin still couldn’t tear his gaze away from the big house. “Just suddenly feel under-dressed,” he admitted, rubbing up and down his arms uneasily.

Stefan patted him on the shoulder as he grinned at him. “Don’t let the house fool you,” he encouraged, then waved at his own attire. “You’re not under-dressed. Promise.”

Cardin didn’t really feel relieved, but he nodded anyway. Stefan wore a t-shirt with a band logo as well as board shorts and flip-flops. His partner, Kazeem, had dressed a little more formally, wearing khaki shorts and a polo shirt.

“Then why are those guys in suits?” Cardin asked, indicating the trio of men next to the SUV parked in front of the house.

Per Stefan’s instruction, Kazeem had parked the truck to the left of the attached garage. From his vantage point, Cardin could see the group talking quietly together. He was too far away to actually make out the words, though.

“I don’t know who they are,” Stefan admitted, cocking his head. “They’re probably not staying.” He began moving toward the group, who were at the front door. “Come on,” he urged. “It’s hot out here, and I’m ready to swim.”

“Oh, damn,” Kazeem muttered as he wrapped his arm around Stefan, falling into step with them. “That’s... uh... Mister Leortis Vermilion.” His brows furrowed as he narrowed his eyes. “I wonder what he’s doing here.”

“Mister Leortis?” Stefan repeated, snapping his head up to look at Kazeem. “Mister Leortis as in the head honcho, that Mister Leortis?”

Obviously, Stefan recognized the name, but it didn’t mean anything to Cardin. He didn’t know which of the three men they were referring to, either, but as Kazeem nodded, he found his gaze straying to the broad-shouldered, toned one in the middle. His dark hair was swept away from his aristocratic features and fell in thick waves to his nape, just barely brushing his shoulders.

Cardin wondered what it would feel like to run his fingers through all that... then immediately felt guilty for the thought.

I’m here to decide what to do about my cheating boyfriend, and here I am having inappropriate thoughts about some hot rich guy.

Unable to help staring when one of the guys took off his jacket and began unbuttoning his nice shirt, Cardin blurted out, “Why is that guy taking off his clothes?”

To Cardin’s eternal embarrassment, the man must have heard him, for he pinned his brown-eyed gaze on him and smiled. “Because I’m getting comfortable to enjoy the barbeque,” he claimed as he handed off his shirt. “I haven’t been to one in... years.”

That left him in a pale blue undershirt that probably cost more than Cardin’s entire outfit. It also clung to his torso, showing off his wide shoulders and defined pectorals. He also had very cut six-pack abs.


“I’m Leortis Vermilion. Please, call me Leo,” the man stated, holding out his hand.

As Cardin reached out and took Leo’s hand, he heard a soft choking sound come from the big black man who stood nearby. He glanced at him curiously, but then Leo’s fingers closed around his own. A warm tingle spread across his palm and up his arm, making his hairs stand on end.

Cardin glanced from where they touched, Leo rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand in an enticing way, then lifted his focus to the man’s face. Taking in the intense expression on Leo’s face, a shiver of arousal warmed Cardin’s gut. While he’d heard the expression—his eyes smoldered—until right then, he’d never seen it.

And why is it directed at me?

Unable to help himself, Cardin glanced behind him. Maybe Leo was looking at someone else.


“I was told you’re Cardin. Is that right?” Leo asked, squeezing Cardin’s hand lightly.

“Y-Yes,” Cardin replied, staring up at the man. Leo stood several inches taller than Cardin’s own five-foot-eleven, and he’d never been so close to a guy so big. “C-Cardin Robinson.”

And Leo wasn’t even the biggest of the lot. The black guy next to him had at least two inches on Leo, and he was broader, too. His nearly black eyes also held a coldness that caused a shiver to trickle down Cardin’s spine.

Fortunately, the man wasn’t looking at Cardin.

Of course, that changed when Leo indicated the guy and stated, “This is my associate, Vicar.” Then the shorter but still serious-looking blond. “And this is Warzer. If you ever need anything and I’m not around, they will happily assist you.”

As both men dipped their chins in nods of acknowledgment, the blond giving him a