Succubus Blessed - Heather Long Page 0,1

I was crawling the walls and Alfred locked me in my fucking room.

Day seven, I was out and on my way. I paused only long enough to let the bones in my legs heal—kinda no choice there—and to steal a phone.

Fun fact, I could survive a sixty-foot drop and do a superhero landing.

Not such a fun fact, I broke both of my shins doing it.

Sexy? Yes.

Fun? Not so much.

I half-expected Rogue or Alfred to swoop in and drag me back inside, but I healed within an hour—yay—and was on my way an hour after that.

The speed thing was going to take some getting used to. I slammed into one tree and broke it. I hit another, and it nearly broke me.

Baby steps, I supposed.

But… I eyed the alley again, still not breathing. So far so good. I didn’t want to pass out, and the smell wasn’t making me wish I was dead.

It had taken me three days to make my way to London. At the moment, it was nearing a month since I’d seen them at all. Too damn long in my opinion. Even thinking about how long it had been distracted me.

Shaking it off, I focused as I squinted down the alley. I eased forward a step, and the resistance pressed back against me. But it stretched.

Oh, so it wanted foreplay.

I could do that.

I rolled my body forward, not stepping so much as sliding, and the field flexed and the view of the alley warped as I eased forward with agonizing slowness, step by step. But the field stretched with me, elongating the alley, and I had to fight the urge to shove or rush.

Seriously, I possessed patience. Alfred was so full of shit on that. I’d waited days, despite his ordering me to stay put.

Oh, I kinda wished I could have been a fly on the wall when he discovered that no, he couldn’t compel me. I hadn’t made that shit up when I said I wasn’t worried about what my maker could or couldn’t do. They’d tried to order me around. So had that dick Isaac.

Guess what?

I really did have an obedience issue and problem with authority.

So suck it Alfred.

The tiniest bit of guilt niggled at me. I’d left them a note. But they had to know I couldn’t leave Maddox and Fin here. Yes, Alfred needed to protect me. It was violently sweet in a kind of psychotic way. Angelic way.


Yeah, I liked that.

Rogue? He definitely wanted to protect me, and I loved them both for it.

That thought froze me mid-step, and I just sort of stood there as the field was all kinds of warped around me.

I loved them.

I loved all four of them.

I loved them so much it hurt.


The field popped with enough force, it was worse than the pressure of a plane on ascent or descent. Fucking ow.

I clapped my hands over my ears as the gates to Nightmare suddenly loomed above me. The darkened metal and twisted stone a thing right out of a…well, a nightmare.

Triumph slid between the cracks of dread those gates inspired, and I ran a hand over the front of the coat I was wearing. Lowering my hands, I took a tentative breath and some of my lightheadedness passed. Apparently, I could really hold my breath a long time.


The air smelled more of mossy rocks and forests. There was a hint of something long-closed away. Kind of like sawdust and disuse, but it was hard to pinpoint. The path wound between huge boulders and led right up to the gates themselves, which might as well have been affixed into the side of a mountain.

I craned my head back. No might as well about it. It was definitely on the side of the mountain.

Okay, that would almost be neat, but I wasn’t here to sightsee.

I half-expected the guards to rush out and grab me, but guess what? It was deader than a doornail out here. No birds. Barely any sunlight. It had been dark back in London, but we were definitely not in England anymore.

Another breath, and I rolled my shoulders back.

Apparently, I had to do everything myself. They weren’t even going to capture me and drag me inside.

How damn inconsiderate of them.

Marching up to the gates, I glanced around for their version of a doorbell. If I had to actually break into the prison itself, I was going to report them all to the management.

Rolling my head from side to side, I gave a little shudder and shook