Stone Cold Obsidian - Lisa Oliver Page 0,4

jacket. He’d be locking them in his locker as soon as he got to the bar.

Kee remembered one day in his first week, he’d gone out the back to get a new bottle of whiskey and by the time he’d got back behind the bar, the pastries he’d left tucked under it were gone, and Rocky was busy wiping crumbs off the front of his shirt. Kee prided himself on being a friendly guy, but sharing his snack with the local sheriff was taking his friendship too far. It took Nick, the bar manager, to explain to him why everyone else in the bar held their fingers to their lips going “shush” at the time.

Today the bar was quiet, or rather the patrons seemed more subdued than normal. Nick was busy serving Dave and two of his friends, but there was none of the normal banter going on, and while there was the normal mix of wolf, rabbit, and cat shifter all lining up in front of Sensational Sarah who was selling the bakery food, no one was saying a lot. Even Sarah only managed a half smile when she waved in greeting. Hurrying through the bar to the break room out of the back, Kee took off his jacket and stashed his bear claws securely in his locker, before going back through behind the large wooden counter.

“What’s going on?” He whispered at Nick who’d finished serving Dave and was now collecting the dirty glasses left on the bar. “Has someone died?”

Nick shook his head, glancing down the short hallway to the left of the bar where Cam’s office was. “The boss is here, and he’s got company. Official looking company.”

“Where’s Fergus and the wee one?” Usually when Cam was in the bar, Fergus was there too. Kee was quite taken with their little boy, Ivan. There was something about Ivan – his placid nature and the way he seemed to look deep into a person’s soul that called to Kee on some level. While he’d never been overly fond of small children, if they were all as quiet as Ivan managed to be, he’d be keen.

“Cam won’t have them here while that shit’s in his office.” Nick shook his head. “I’m not sure if these two are from the paranormal council or some other covert government agency, but Cam was livid when I had to call him and let him know they were here.”

Kee shrugged, even as butterflies started up in his stomach. He’d never had anything to do with the Paranormal Council, the Shifter Council or any other government agency. Hell, he made sure he’d never even had a parking ticket, for good reason. “I’m sure the boss could handle any shit they bring with ‘em,” he said, picking up a cloth and wiping the wooden counter. “Doesn’t explain why everyone out here is so quiet.”

Nick chuckled, taking off the apron he always wore behind the bar. “They’re all trying to eavesdrop, aren’t you Dave?” He said, not whispering anymore. “No one’s worked out yet that Cam’s entire office is sound proofed, including the door and window.”

“Gotta be prepared in case they leave the door open, you cocky bastard.” Dave waved his two fingers, making Kee laugh. He had a fascination with grumpy old men and Dave was a clear example of that.

“Hi Kee.” Sarah bounced over, her wolf shifter mate carrying the trays now empty of food. “Did you want anything for lunch today before we head off?”

“I’m fine, but thank you for asking, Sensational Sarah.” Kee grinned. “I stopped in at the store on my way down here. You’re looking very pretty today.”

“Thank you.” Sarah ducked her head shyly. “Pierce has to go on a truck run in about an hour and Brutus said if I finished the lunch orders here, then I could take the rest of the afternoon off and go with him.”

“Sounds like a lot of fun.” Kee leaned on the counter and clasped his hands. “You need to make sure that mate of yours has enough gas in the tank before you leave town though, little missy. No cute little bunny should be ravaged on the side of the road where anyone could see. Especially not in the trailer cab of a huge truck.” Someone growled, it was probably Pierce but that didn’t bother Kee either.

“We always have plenty of gas, Kee.” Sarah giggled again. “My mate is very protective of me especially now we’re expecting.” She rubbed her belly softly.

Kee’s eyes