Sing, Canary - Ashley Amy



(Two years ago)

The patter of rain fell too fast to find a steady rhythm on the pavement of the road I knelt in the middle of. Though, my heart tried to compete with the untempered pace of the wild droplets. The angry sky opened wide in the dark of this night to welcome one of God’s own home.

Whipping winds tangled my long hair around my face, blurring my vision more. The cracks of thunder ripped through all the ears within the city. Lightning lit the path I knew she’d be flying toward. Still, my large hands held onto the weakening heat of her body. Her blood was being washed away with all the evidence of what had conspired against her.

As another roar of thunder came, I let myself scream with it. My battle cry for vengeance rattled the cool night air. After I let out the building rage, I was shattered by what truly lurked below my surface.


It consumed me wholly as I held her lifeless body to my chest. I wanted her to feel the heavy thrumming of my own heart to restart hers. I wanted to rip the beating organ from my chest and give it to her.

Squeezing her vacant body to me, I held my wife one last time. My hand slicked back the wet, red hair hiding her void eyes. They were the crisp blue of the Angels, but they held no fire. Her spark was gone.

Someone stole her grace from the only one who tried to save a damned demon. I was not meant to love, but Delilah helped show me I was still capable of the emotion. She had been mine for five years, and someone just stripped her of what kept her on Earth.

Looking to the night sky, I did what no demon should.

I prayed. I prayed to the first creator. I begged him to help me as his angel’s loss filled the marrow of my bones.

“Please,” I whispered into the crook of my love’s neck. “Please help guide me out of this torment…”

I closed my eyes, but when I blinked the tears away, I saw the lightning, signaling Delilah’s return to her heavenly home. The lights lit up in the shape of her white wings, untouched by sin.

A warmth spread through my chest as I received the Holy Ghost’s voice. As a spirit, he communed for his God. As a demon, I was man enough to receive his promptings.

Your prayer has been heard, Incubus. Though, remember my Angel will need you more than you might need her.

“What is the name of the Angel that I’ll be praying to?” I blinked harder as the rain fell heavier, but I kept my focus upward.

Lyra… After he gifted me his Angel’s name, I felt his spirit leave me.

I saw the flashing lights coming from down the road with the sirens blaring. I knew the police would accuse me first from being her mate and being here. Kissing my love’s forehead, I then pressed my own to hers.

My heart immediately felt the new companionship of having a guardian, but nothing could dismiss the absence I felt through my very being. How hollow my heart felt but still beat while aching so deeply. I knew what was destined to happen as the officers told me to freeze, but I couldn’t let go of Delilah. I wasn’t ready for this goodbye.

“Your death gives me reason, Delilah. I shall never speak another word until I have avenged your death. That is my promise. Find peace in your eternal glory, and I’ll finish your business here, my love.”

With my vow of silence, I knew what was to come as my arms were pulled behind me. With prayer, only one would hear my voice through my mind.

Her name was Lyra.



Behind my fixed smile is everything they will never understand. Even as their grubby hands reached through their prison bars to grab at me, I walked on as though their touches didn't faze me. That was the key to all of this.

A poker face had to remain in place with criminals like these. You could never falter in their company. They’d eat you alive like the feral wolves they were.

Their sneers echoed against the concrete this prison was made from. With three levels above my head, I knew this place was going to be my biggest trial yet.

Considering my father was just murdered a few hours ago, while we were having a family dinner, I'd say it spoke volumes about this place.

Wayfaring Heights.
