She's Mine Now - Weston Parker Page 0,3

like a foul smell on the wind, but even I knew the guy was an asshole.

When I walked out into the corridor, a guy wearing a black leather jacket and scuffed motorcycle boots was leaning against the wall. The bored expression on his bearded face confirmed what I’d heard about him.

If this was the father, he really was an asshole. I was half beside myself over what had happened to this girl, and I didn’t even know her. April’s ex, on the other hand, just seemed bored.

“You Adi’s father?” I asked as I strode toward him.

The man’s head jerked in a nod, but he didn’t even straighten up. “She done yet?”

“No.” I clenched my hands together behind my back so I wouldn’t do something I’d regret later. “What was she doing on a motorcycle without a helmet?”

The boredom melted from his features and was replaced by a deep scowl. He stepped away from the wall, and his dark eyes narrowed. “What the fuck do you want to know for?”

“Don’t get an attitude with me. I’m treating your daughter and I need to know what happened. She might need surgery and it’s possible she has a concussion. So I repeat, why wasn’t she wearing a helmet, and what was she doing on a motorcycle?”

The guy folded his thick arms, lowering his chin in a way I was sure was supposed to have been threatening. “Do whatever you need to do to her. Then I’ll take her home.”

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Where’s her mother?”

“It’s none of your business where she is.” He took a step forward, but I still didn’t feel the least bit intimidated. If anything, he was putting himself in danger by getting so much closer to me. “It’s not her weekend with Adi. This has nothing to do with her.”

Aggression and the urge to unleash it rolled around in my stomach. My jaw clenched so hard I was pretty sure I heard my teeth crack.

But this wasn’t the time or the place to get worked up. Knocking him out wouldn’t help his daughter, and she had to be my priority. Lord knew she clearly wasn’t his.

Dragging in a deep breath, I turned my back on him without saying another word and stalked back into the room. The door slammed shut behind me and Hunter’s head snapped up.

“Find April’s number and call her to come in,” I said, going back to my place at Adi’s side. “I’ll stay with her, but that guy is on strike two with me already. If I have to keep dealing with him, he won’t be the only one facing the possibility of arrest today.”

Chapter 2


Adjusting the takeout cup of coffee in my hand, I jabbed the buzzer to my sister’s apartment. I also tried to keep the coffee in my other hand upright while I fished around in my purse for my phone.

The ringtone told me it was my best friend calling, and considering she was on her honeymoon and I hadn’t heard from her for weeks, I really wanted to take the call before it rang out.

It really was too bad humans had only been given two hands. As far as I was concerned, it was a serious design flaw.

Adi wasn’t even with me today, and two still weren’t enough. At the very least, parents should have been gifted with at least one extra pair as soon as they placed that little bundle of joy in our arms.

“Hello?” Katie’s voice crackled through the intercom.

“It’s me,” I yelled. “I’ve got coffee. Open up.”

My fingers finally closed around my phone and I shoved my shoulder against the security gate when my sister buzzed me in. Holding the coffee at a precarious angle, I swiped my thumb across the screen and pressed it to my ear.

“Please tell me you’re calling because Cyrus has finally freed you from his den of depravity,” I joked instead of greeting Luna.

“My den of depravity?” Her husband’s voice echoed over the line with more than a hint of incredulity in it. “We’ve been traveling across Europe. How is an entire continent my den of depravity?”

“I should’ve guessed I’d be on speakerphone. You two are ridiculous.” I rolled my eyes. “It’s not the continent, Cy. It’s just you. You can’t tell me you haven’t seen more of the inside of hotel rooms than you have your destinations.”

He chuckled and I could practically hear him shrugging, but then Luna jumped in to admonish me. “April! We haven’t only been in hotel