The Seduction (Finding Forever #2) - Jessie Jones Page 0,3

talk and laugh. What the hell was she doing with John? These women reinforced how little she really knew about the Brit, and who the hell was Pandora? Gillian had no idea if John was married or in a relationship. His staff had gotten female clothes from somewhere, maybe it was this woman's closet. Although Gillian could not see the women who spoke about John, she had no doubts that they were more than beautiful. The women at this party were made for wealthy men. Of course, John had slept with them. What man wouldn't?

Letting out a large exhale, Gillian stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She knew that she was not a skinny woman, but she had never considered herself fat. The dark-haired American had never had trouble getting a man's attention, but for some reason, she could not keep one. Maybe men saw her as nothing more than a whore. Her uncle Gary had always told her that she was a mistake and she would always be alone because no one would ever want her. Maybe he was right. Maybe Gillian was destined to be alone. She saw the way that men looked at her and she could see in their eyes that she was nothing more than an object. Somehow, Gillian had thought she had seen something different in John's chestnut eyes. He had made his intentions clear. She was a fool to think that there was something else there. Maybe she should just leave the party and never look back, but that thought had a painful knot forming in the pit of her stomach. The thought of never seeing John again had her chest hurting with an empty sadness.

Hearing the women leave the bathroom and the room quiet again, Gillian dried her eyes and repaired her hair and makeup. She was not surprised to see Duff standing in the restroom when she walked out of the stall. When her emerald eyes met his, she said, "Look, save it. I don't need a pep talk or anything. I'm sure you heard some of their conversation. I just want to get the hell out of here."

"Well, that's not possible, sweetheart," Duff replied, hating the sadness he saw in her eyes. He had heard the conversation, and Baily was now personally taking care of the bitches for him. "There is no way in hell that John is going to let you leave."

"Yeah, because I have the book. I know," Gillian responded dryly. "John can have the freaking book! I don't care anymore! My life has done a total one eighty since stumbling across that damn thing! He can have it, and then I can leave. That's what he really wants anyway."

John could give a fuck about the book, Duff thought to himself. The only thing his mate wanted was standing in front of him, but Gillian clearly couldn't see that. It would be up to John to tell her, because Duff wouldn't betray him like that. "Look, I'm not going to stand here and bullshit you, lovey," the man said as he approached her and lifted her chin so he could see her eyes. "John wants you, and you obviously want him. Why not just enjoy your time together? Fuck those bitches! They're jealous and bitter. Don't give them the satisfaction of ruining your plans."

"Is John married?" Gillian asked as she searched Duff's eyes. "Who's Pandora?"

"John is not married," Duff began honestly. "But I will let him explain who Pandora is. It's not my place to answer that for Johnny. Why does it even matter? Are you jealous?"

Gillian stood there and stared at Duff for a moment, refusing to answer his question. She could not explain the sense of relief she felt in knowing that John was not married. Maybe this Pandora was a girlfriend of sorts, but if she was, why had Gillian not met her? The American had been in John's personal quarters for the past week and had seen no pictures of women, no clothing, nothing that made her think John was in a relationship. Maybe Duff was right. Maybe she should just enjoy tonight with the dangerous Brit. Gillian had no doubt that it was going to be memorable. John wanted her! He was only the most beautiful man in the world, and he wanted her intimately! More importantly, Gillian desperately wanted him!

"So where is John?" Gillian asked as she stood up straight and brushed her ebony hair back over one shoulder.