A Season for Treason (Deception and Discipline #1) - Golden Angel Page 0,1

senses, as if he were a lodestone and she a compass, she kept peeking glances at him.

He was as beautiful as a fallen angel, golden and dangerous all at once. Gossip said he was the head of a debauched society supposedly even more secret and perverse than the Hellfire Club. It was so secret, no matter how she listened, she had never been able to even learn the name of it or any member other than Hartford, who apparently cared very little if people knew he was drenched in depravity. Supposedly, he had a score of mistresses tucked away around London, including a duchess, and had fought more duels than any other man in Society, never losing.

When his head tilted and their eyes met, his amber-gold gaze seemed to pierce her, as though he looked past her exterior, right into her soul… as though he truly saw her. No one saw Mary. Not unless she showed herself to them. She was the ultimate wallflower, able to go unnoticed by entire throngs of people, vanishing into the background as if she did not actually exist. When Hartford looked at her, she felt suddenly exposed and very vulnerable.

His gaze moved on, ending the moment but leaving her rattled enough to be thankful for Thomas’ interruption since she had completely lost track of what Lady Arabella was saying.

“Where are your brothers?” Thomas’ aggrieved tones announced his belief they must have lost track of their sister for her to be in such company.

While she was grateful, she did not have to respond to whatever Arabella had been saying, Mary had to stifle the urge to step on her cousin’s foot or comfort him. The man truly did not know how to handle his emotions when it came to Lady Arabella and was completely oblivious why the lady overset him so easily.

The twit.

“I believe they’re by the refreshments,” Lady Arabella responded tartly.

Before Thomas could respond, the violins sounded, and Lady Arabella brightened, turning her head to smile up at Hartford. The large, beautiful man smiled back down at her, and Mary was struck by a sudden, unexpected bolt of envy.

“My dance, I believe,” Hartford said smugly.

“You believe correctly.” The look Arabella bestowed upon him was full of flirtation before she turned back to Mary. “It was lovely to see you again, Mary. I hope we can speak more later this evening.”

Thomas and Mary watched the couple head to the dance floor. Mary sighed inwardly. They did make a handsome couple. If her cousin did not get his head out of his arse soon, it was likely he would end up with a woman who was very poorly matched to him.

She glanced up at Thomas, who was still glaring after the retreating pair.

Time to get back to work.

“Thomas? What’s wrong?” She pushed worry into her voice and eyes, pulling his attention back to her before anyone noticed how he was looking at the Marquess and Lady Arabella. Thomas was a protector, first and foremost, which made him rather easy to manipulate. He would not want to burden Mary with his troubles, and therefore, he would push them aside and return to his duty.

“Nothing,” he said tersely. “Come, I want to speak with Isaac, then we can find you someone to dance with.”

Someone who Thomas approved of. Mary made a face. Thomas’ taste in men was not any better than his taste in women.

Although considering Mary’s reaction to the Marquess of Hartford and her complete lack of interest in any other gentleman she had met so far, perhaps she should worry it was a family trait.

Chapter 1


“You are blonde,” Josie said, blinking in surprise as she walked through Mary’s bedroom door. She came to a halt, nearly causing their friend Lily to bump into her from behind. As usual, Josie was wearing her breeches since she had just ridden over and refused to ride sidesaddle, and her hair was coming loose from her coiffure. In contrast, Lily’s demure walking dress covered her from nape to ankle, and her hair was pulled back in its customary tight bun.

She had not seen them since she left for London’s Season, but two moments in their presence and it was as though they had never been apart. The three of them had been neighbors and had grown up together, eventually adding Evie to their group, and now they were here she truly felt at home. If only Evie were there too, it would be perfect.

“Well, keep walking,” Lily said irritably, shoving