The Sea Star Bakery - Nicole Ellis Page 0,2

your accident.”

Celia grinned. “I’m doing well. A hip fracture isn’t going to keep me down.”

Betty beamed at her. “I’m glad to hear that. We need you here.” She moved her hand to rest on Celia’s, which was clutching the walker. “Mary Lou and I were just discussing a fundraiser for the library. Are you interested in helping with it?”

“That sounds wonderful,” Celia said. “After the last levy failed, the library can use all the help it can get.”

“No kidding.” Betty frowned. “We’re hoping to raise money for them to update their current collections, and maybe even renovate the sitting areas.” She tilted her head in Mary Lou’s direction. “Do you want to chat with us for a bit before the service begins?”

Celia glanced at Cassie. “Do you mind?”

Cassie shook her head. “Not at all. I was hoping to grab a cup of coffee first anyway. That cup I had this morning didn’t seem to do much.” It was an excuse, but she knew it was important for Celia to feel needed, and the library fundraiser was perfect for her.

They met back up before the church service, and sat together a few rows from the front. Cassie found her mind wandering as the pastor sermonized. Celia’s news about Edgar’s Bakery closing had given Cassie a lot to think about. It wasn’t the right time for her to open a bakery of her own, but for a moment she let herself imagine what it would be like. Jace had given her the perfect name for a bakery in Willa Bay: The Sea Star Bakery. She loved his analogy about how she was regenerating her life after the divorce, just like a sea star could regrow its limbs.

Until lately, Cassie would have said she was content in her job at the Lodge, but having Lara Camden back in town was making her miserable. Lara had taken over the kitchen in the mornings for the cake decorating business she’d started on the side, essentially stealing Cassie’s baking facility. But Lara’s father, George, owned the Lodge and let her do whatever she wanted. Cassie grimaced. Beside her, Celia must have noticed the sour look on Cassie’s face, because she nudged Cassie gently with an imploring look in her eyes.

Cassie focused on Celia, giving her a small grin, then returned her attention to the pastor, who was speaking about “loving thy neighbor” – an apt sermon considering Cassie’s recent musings about Lara. A tiny bit of guilt flared in Cassie’s chest, but she tamped it down. She would try to be nicer to Lara, but that didn’t mean she had to like her.

After partaking in the refreshments hour after church, Cassie drove Celia home and walked her to the door. As they neared the top of the ramp, she caught a glimpse of Zoe and Shawn, who were sitting on the far side of the porch, gazing out at the bay while eating sandwiches and drinking tall glasses of what looked like iced tea.

Zoe stuck her head around the corner. “Hello! I thought I heard you pull up. Do either of you want to join us for lunch? Shawn made plenty of tuna fish salad for sandwiches.”

A deep voice announced from behind her, “With extra pickles!”

Zoe shook her head. “Shawn and his pickles.” She zeroed in on Cassie and Celia. “Are you interested?”

Cassie smiled. “No, I’m having lunch with Kyle and the kids. We’re trying to do more things together as a family, for the kids’ sake.”

Celia covered her mouth and yawned. “Thanks, Zoe, but I’m beat. I plan to take a long nap.”

“We’ll be sure to be quiet for you then.” Zoe waved. “See you both later. Have fun at lunch, Cassie.” She disappeared back around the corner.

Celia entered the house, pausing in the entryway while blocking Pebbles with her foot. “Promise me you’ll think about the bakery?”

Cassie sighed. She should have known Celia wouldn’t give up so easily. “Yes. I’ll think about it.”

Celia nodded curtly. “Good. I think it would be a wonderful opportunity for you. I’ll make sure to let Edgar know you’re interested.” She smiled sweetly at Cassie and shut the door.

Cassie’s mouth gaped open, but then she couldn’t help but laugh at the elderly woman’s moxie. When Cassie was eighty-something, she’d be lucky to have half Celia’s spirit.

Cassie left the Inn, driving home to change quickly into jeans and a red tank top before meeting Kyle and the kids at Pizza Kingdom. The pizzeria’s parking lot was almost full when she