Say I Do (Wilde Ways #10) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,3

She sucked in a sharp breath as her heart lurched. What in the heck?

Lacey swung toward him.

“I’m a pretty good dancer. Maybe you should see my moves before you reject me.”

“Unnecessary.” She yanked her hand from his grip. He’d been very careful with her, touching her gently, but she swore that she could still feel the imprint of his fingers on her skin. “I can reject you just fine without seeing or knowing anything else. Now, good night.”

With that, she turned on her high heel and stomped for the door. It had been a long day, a tiring night, and the adrenaline would be plunging from her system soon. Once she got home, she’d want to crash. Maybe she’d enjoy some ice cream, then a long night in bed while cozied up in her favorite jammies.

The bouncer gave her a wave as she exited, and, once outside, Lacey turned to the left. Cabs lined the street, but she wasn’t going to take one. No sense in doing that, not when her apartment was just a few blocks away. Her spine stayed straight and her gaze darted around to scan the area as she—

Lacey stilled. Huffed out a breath. “Do you enjoy following women?”

The faint rustle of a footstep reached her ears. “I was merely making sure you arrived home safely.”

She whirled to confront him. “I’m more than capable of looking after myself, Dex. I can handle any trouble that comes my way.”

He studied her as he closed in, and she couldn’t help but feel a wee bit like a bug who’d just been caught in a spider’s sticky web. “You can handle trouble,” he agreed. “That’s one of the many things I like about you.”

Her head tilted back as she stared up at him. Her mother had been a dancer, and Lacey had gotten her slight build and petite height. She’d always been envious of her taller friends, but she’d clocked out at five-foot-two, and she’d learned to deal with being perceived as fragile. Delicate. At first, she’d hated the way others viewed her. Then she’d decided that if they underestimated her, that was their problem.

And her advantage.

“In fact,” Dex continued in his rumbling voice, “your ability to handle trouble is the reason I sought you out tonight.”

“And here I thought you just liked to dance the night away.” No, she hadn’t thought that. Not even for a second. When he’d appeared behind Aidan, she’d known that Dex had come to the club for her. An unnerving realization. “Are you planning to follow me all the way home?”

“I told you, I want to make sure you’re safe—”

A couple hurried past them, and Dex stopped talking. Secretive Dex. Of course, he wouldn’t want to talk with others around. Lacey shook her head. “Look, I’m not interested.”

“You don’t even know why I’m here.”

“You’re trouble, Dex.”

The streetlamp fell on his face and let her see the half-smile that slipped over his lips. “Thank you for noticing.”

“That wasn’t a compliment.”

“I think it was.”

He thought—Her lips thinned. “How did you know I was at that club?”

He leaned toward her, and his scent—rich, masculine, and…oddly yummy to her—teased her nose. “Want to know a secret?”

He was so close that onlookers would probably think they were about to kiss. They weren’t. Absolutely were not. But… “Yes.” She wanted to know his secrets.

“I can find you,” he told her quietly. “Anywhere. Anytime.”

Her eyes narrowed. “That sounds like some serious abuse of power. Better be careful, or someone will report you to your bosses at the CIA.”

He laughed, and the sound sent a shiver over her. Not a bad kind of shiver. It should have been bad. But no…It was the good kind of shiver. The kind that told her she liked his laughter.

The kind that told Lacey her dry spell must have lasted way, way too long. Especially if she was now starting to think anything about Dex was sexy.

“I don’t have bosses at the CIA. I am the boss.” Spoken with utter confidence.

She wasn’t so sure she bought that line. “You’re in charge? Then how come I don’t ever see you out there with the press or talking to senators in clips on the evening news?”

“You won’t ever see me in scenes like that. I’m too busy doing the dirty work. The bloody shit that keeps everyone safe.” His voice had hardened.

This time, the bad kind of shiver slid over her.

“You’re cold.” His hands reached out and curled around her. He tugged her closer to him and