Ruled by her Daddies (Harem of Daddies #1) - Laylah Roberts Page 0,4

her. White and rich. Not a poor, brown-skinned kid.”

“Shit, Aleki. That wasn’t it at all.” Caleb looked shocked at his words.

“Maybe she wouldn’t have left if we’d shared her back then,” Wolfe mused.

“What?” Aleki snapped.

“Then she’d have had Caleb to take home to her father for approval.”

Aleki groaned, running his hand over his face. “Wolfe, I wasn’t gonna be her dirty little secret. Hiding in the background, while Caleb was taken home to Daddy and paraded around.”

“Like I would want that anyway,” Caleb said.

“I don’t care about being the dirty secret. No woman who’ll take on all three of us will want to take me home to her parents. Or probably be seen with me in public. I’ve always known I’ll be in the background.”

Both men gaped at him.

“That’s not the way it will work when we find our woman,” Caleb told him.

“Why not?” Wolfe asked.

“Because you deserve better than that, Wolfie,” Aleki said with sad eyes. “You deserve a woman who wants all of you. Who is proud to be with you.”

“We’ll never find a woman like that.” He’d once thought Genevieve . . . but no.

“We will,” Caleb told him firmly. “We’re not settling for less. I could try to email her, but I’d rather call her. Aleki, could you find her phone number?”

Aleki shrugged. “If I wanted to.”

Caleb sighed. “Come on, guys. All I want to do is make sure she’s all right.”

“I have a basketball game to get to.” Aleki stood up and slammed his way out the door.

“Shit.” Caleb ran his hand over his face.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything,” Wolfe mused.

“No.” Caleb shook his head. “I’m going to email her. I need to make sure she’s all right.”


Where was he?

Vivi paced back and forth in the dark, underground parking lot.

William was dead.

Her breath grew choppy. It could have been a heart attack. But if it wasn’t a heart attack . . . well, she could be next.

Grasping hold of her locket, she breathed in and out slowly.

She’d had the taxi meet her a few blocks away from her house. Thankfully, the driver hadn’t paid her much attention. She’d need to take another taxi to the airport as soon as she’d done this.

Chewing on her lip, she paced back and forth. Damn it. He wasn’t going to show. Tears welled in her eyes as she searched through her handbag for her phone.

A car screeched around the corner, making her drop her bag in fright. Cursing, she stared at the dark car.

Her heart raced. Something was wrong.

Someone climbed out. They were dressed all in black and wore a balaclava over their face.

And they were holding a gun.


She left her bag and took off, darting around a car for cover. There was the sound of footsteps. They were following her.

The exit. She needed to make it to the exit. Ducking, she dove around another car and raced towards the door. She heard the car gunning it, speeding towards her. She weaved, not wanting to make herself an easy target. There was the sound of something smashing. A car alarm went off. Pain flared in her arm and she cried out, nearly falling.

Had they shot her?

“Hey! What the fuck is going on here? What are you doing? Oh, fuck! You’ve got a gun!”

She took the opportunity to dive through the door.

Sobbing, she could barely see as she tried to race up the stairs. She slipped, her ankle giving way beneath her. Sharp pain stabbed her, but she couldn’t afford to slow down.

No. No. No.

She forced herself to move past the pain as she heard the door open below her. She flew up the stairs and out into the street above. Thankfully, there were plenty of people up here. A few gave her weird looks. She knew she probably appeared to be half-crazed, tears racing down her face, heaving for breath, limping.

Pulling up the hoodie, she moved with the crowd, praying she was now safe from the shooter. As to what she was going to do now, she had no idea. She had no money. No phone. No flash drive.

She was alone and out of options.


“I’m going to San Francisco to find her.”

Aleki rubbed his hand over his face at Caleb’s words.

Fuck, he was tired. He’d barely slept these past three nights. Nightmares plagued him every time he closed his eyes. Vivi calling for him. Begging for his help.

But she didn’t need his help. Sure, her husband had died. However, she wasn’t alone. She had her father. She probably