Rogue's Retribution - Liberty Parker Page 0,1

next thing I know, I feel my baby slide out and have instantaneous relief. “It’s a girl!” the doctor shouts out. I don’t say anything as I feel the tears slide seamlessly down my cheeks. I knew who she was before anyone else, but I see Rogue stumble back in utter shock. He really should learn to trust in me and my instincts. I told him this baby I carried was a girl. The doctor does what he needs to do with me while my eyes never stray from my baby girl and what the nurses are doing with her.

“A girl,” I hear Rogue mumble, “what the hell am I supposed to do with a daughter?” I know he’s speaking to himself and not me, so I keep my mouth shut and open my arms as my baby is gently placed in them.

“Congratulations, Momma,” the nurse says, as she stands off to the side. Our daughter lets out a little muffled cry that is so cute, but catches Rogue’s attention.

“What’s wrong? Is she okay?” he asks me, a look of panic crosses his face as he’s clearly alarmed by something so tiny. This man has no problem dealing with and taking on dangerous and life-threatening situations daily, yet the mere cry of his daughter seems to frighten him.

“She’s fine,” I tell him with a soothing tone in my voice, “she’s just clearing and stretching her lungs. Sounds strong and healthy to me.”

“She’s so small,” he states, running his finger over her pinkened cheeks. “I vow to protect you, always,” he whispers to our daughter, turning my heart to putty at his words. “You both are my entire world, Rora. I love you, baby,” he says, as he leans over me, laying a sweet kiss to my lips.

“Love you too, handsome,” I reply as I feel a smile emerge as his lips make contact with mine. Then our daughter makes another small whimpering sound that turns into downright wailing and anger. “Thinking she’s hungry,” I state, looking to the nurse to see if she thinks I’m correct in my assumption. The nurse helps me get situated and shows me how to breastfeed. She latches on and takes to it as if she’s been doing it for years instead of seconds. She feeds for roughly ten-minutes before she unlatches and I then lift her up to my shoulder and burp her. We then switch sides and the process begins again.


I know that my brothers are in the waiting room of the maternity ward awaiting information from me on the condition of Rora and our daughter, a damn daughter. What the fuck am I to do with a girl? I know nothing about raising a little girl. Hell, I know nothing about raising any child, but a girl? As in female? The palms of my hands make contact with my face and I can feel the tiny beads of sweat that have now formed. I pull out my extra bandana and wipe my face before placing it back in the pocket of my jeans. I was certain she’d somehow be wrong, but went along with what she kept calling ‘her mother’s intuition’. There was a fifty-fifty chance she’d be wrong, yet here I stand. The proud father of a baby daughter. This is gonna be all on Rora. I’ll be there and do my fatherly duties, but I ain’t playing no dress up or participating in no damn tea party. I can teach her all about fishing, riding a bike and shooting a gun. However, that girly shit just isn’t me, I know more about motorcycles and football than I do dolls and makeup.

Once they move Rora from the delivery room and into her own private room, I call for Sledge to come and sit with my new family. My entire world now consists of two tiny females. My heart hammers against the walls inside my chest as I take another look at them, both resting so peacefully. Once Sledge enters the room and I fill him in on the news, I hesitantly leave and go search out my brothers. I feel confident in her safety because the nurse promised not to leave her side until I could make my way back to her. Between Sledge and this nurse, I think they’re both in good hands. They’d better be because if one solitary thing happens to either one of them, there will be nothing but a shell of this place once I’m through