The Rise of Fortune and Fury (Chronicles of the Stone Veil #5) - Sawyer Bennett Page 0,2

castle in quite a while, actually.”

Carrick nodded in understanding, but there was some doubt as to whether Rebsha was telling the truth. One theory Carrick had been mulling over was that Pyke perhaps wanted the Blood Stone for his mother and the good of all Faere.

Carrick wasn’t going to leave this realm until he knew if that were true or not.

“Take me to Nimeyah,” he demanded.

“Of course,” Rebsha replied and led the way into the throne room.

Same as the last time Carrick was here, it was devoid of any furniture other than a raised dais that held four thrones for the royal family. Currently, only the top-tiered one was occupied by Nimeyah, and she was in discussion with three Light Fae before her.

Her gaze flicked up briefly to take in Carrick and Zaid before she returned to her conversation. Rebsha stood quietly just inside the doorway, hands clasped before him. The message was clear. They were not to approach while she was conducting business, which Carrick was almost positive had to do with some party she’d be throwing. Politics, war, and other such concerns were nonexistent in Faere.

Carrick shifted about impatiently, the minutes ticking away until he could find and rescue Finley. It was the highest thing on his priority list, but he had to verify Nimeyah wasn’t involved.

Whatever the answers he’d be given, he wasn’t going to ask subtly.

Luckily for Nimeyah, she wrapped up her meeting sooner rather than later, as Carrick’s patience was at an all-time low. The Light Fae left the room, giving a wide berth to the demi-god, who was putting off some seriously intimidating vibes.

Rebsha backed out of the room, then closed the doors behind him. Nimeyah did not rise from her chair but beckoned Carrick forward. Zaid stayed where he was.

“Carrick,” Nimeyah crooned with a welcoming smile, but he could hear it in her voice. The slight hint of unease that he was here, which meant that she might know something about Pyke and Finley. “How lovely to see you?”

As Carrick walked her way, Nimeyah’s gaze went to Zaid, her mouth tightening. She held deep prejudice against daemons, as did most of the Light Fae royals and nobles.

When she brought her eyes back to Carrick, she made a sound of disapproval. “You know I don’t like daemons in Faere. They’re not allowed here.”

Carrick had reached the bottom of the dais, and rather than bow or offer a polite courtesy, he replied, “I don’t give a fuck what you do and don’t like or allow. Where is your son?”

“How dare you—” Nimeyah started to say, but that was all she got out before Carrick shot toward her.

In a blur of speed, he had his hand around her throat and her body up from the throne as her words were choked off.

It was unheard of to attempt any contact with a royal fae, but Carrick wasn’t going to abide by rules. To all, it was a death sentence if someone tried to harm one.

He’d like to see her or any other Light Fae try.

The door to the throne room burst open and Rebsha appeared, iron sword drawn as he took the situation in. How he knew his queen was in danger, Carrick couldn’t fathom, unless his ear was pressed to the door, but no matter.

He wasn’t a concern.

With Nimeyah securely held by her throat, Carrick extended his other arm back toward Rebsha. With no effort at all, Carrick magically pulled the sword from his hand, where it burst into flames and fell away into disappearing sparks.

Rebsha wasn’t daunted. He conjured another sword, but Carrick growled, “I’d stay right where you are, Rebsha. I’m only here for a talk with your queen. As long as I get the truth, she’ll remain unharmed. However, if she lies, you might want to get her husband to let him know he’s now the ruler of Faere.”

A growl of displeasure rumbled in the large fae’s chest, and while he did not lower his sword, he didn’t move an inch either.

Carrick turned his attention back to Nimeyah. “Where is Pyke?” he asked again.

Nimeyah’s eyes flashed with fury. She wasn’t scared or intimidated, but she also knew Carrick wasn’t bluffing. “I don’t know,” she rasped against the hand squeezing her throat. “I haven’t seen him in almost a month.”

With careful consideration, Carrick determined that was most likely the truth, but that wasn’t all the information he wanted.

Dipping his head closer to the queen, he murmured, “He wants the Blood Stone. Why?”

Nimeyah jerked in