Red Leaves and the Living Token - By Benjamin David Burrell Page 0,4

inspecting the Captain's uniform to determine rank, "Captain."

"It is my understanding that you are here to provide security for my visit, correct? Your men have not entered the School have they?" He glanced over at the school main entrance for signs of a breach.

"We are here at the Lord Governors request, Lord Valance." The Captain said, giving the visitors title extra emphasis.

"I have not been instructed to divulge the details of this operation to you. With respect, I ask that you and your men turn around and head back to the city. Once we have accomplished our objectives we will notify the Lord Governor who may then, at his discretion, notify you." The Captain finished.

Lord Valance let a friendly smile creep across his face.

"I admire your strict adherence to orders. I assure you there has been a misunderstanding somewhere in your chain of command. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to work out the errors in your organization. I'm here now with work to do. I must insist."

The Captain let out a raspy chuckle. "Insist what?"

"That you step aside and allow me to do what I came to do."

The captain turned to his first officer. "I think we're done here. Have our guests escorted back to their coach."

"The use of force will be met with consequence, Captain. I would not advise it." Lord Valance explained calmly.

The first officer stopped and turned back to the Captain who replied with an impatient look and a motion to continue. Four nearby soldiers moved to surround the three men.

"As you wish." Lord Valance sighed in frustration. He threw back his overcoat to expose the hilt of a sword strapped tightly at his waist. It clashed strangely with his modern business attire.

"Lord Valance. To draw weapons on the Crown's Special Guard would render you an enemy to the sta..." The Captain fell silent.

Lord Valance had moved his hand to the hilt of his sword. A pattern, etched in the metal, glowed brightly, even in the light of day. He looked back at his two companions.

Lord Barnus's overcoat was already thrown back, his hand already on the hilt of his sword. The same pattern was etched down the handle to the blade. A bright glow trickled down from the hilt in the grooves of the etching.

The four soldiers were frozen in place.

The second companion, Lord Whiting, followed, placing his hand quietly on his sword. A third glow echoed the first two.

The Captain and his group of officers dropped to their knees and grabbed their heads and cried out in pain.

"Tell your friends in the guard we are not to be disobeyed." Lord Valance grunted as he kicked the bent over Captain to the ground.

"Your soldiers will be under Lord Barnus's command. If any of you remain when we return from the school, we will draw our weapons." He stepped over the frozen officers, still bent over moaning. "And you will die."


The School Master opened his eyes to the noise of foot steps echoing down the hallway just outside. The broken door squeaked as someone entered. He watched without lifting his head as the legs of a business suit stepped over a shattered bookshelf and kicked aside scattered books.

"Master!" A heavy voice cried.

The school master strained to lift his head. The man in the suit, someone he thought he recognized knelt down beside him.

"How badly are you injured." The man asked as he pulled debris off the School Master's body.

"Valance?" The school master asked, not believing his eyes. The man looked like Lord Valance, his student, but so many years had passed. This man was far too young.

"I can't begin to apologize... They were supposed to provide security for my visit. I don't know why they attacked." Lord Valance tried to explain.

The school master's mind was overwhelmed by a sudden flood of memories; every conversation he'd had with this man when he was still a student, everything that led up to their conflict. "I knew you'd be back someday... I didn't think I'd be this old when you finally came."

Lord Valance's two men clanked into the room. The School Master shifted his weight to look over at them.

"Barnus and Whitting? The three of you stuck together all of these years?" They looked just as impossibly young as Valance did, he thought.

"We didn't come for revenge, Master." Lord Valance explained.

The school master paused to study their faces. Was he right to judge them so quickly? So much time had passed. He had no idea who they'd become.