The Realms - D. R. Rosier Page 0,1

appreciate it if he humored her with a white lie. He was spared the necessity by the flash of golden light, right in the middle of the vast enemy army.

“What the hell was that? Some new spell of evil?”

Another flash, the golden light pulsed, each time it faded away it blew out larger, like a heartbeat. It was almost… beautiful.

Shalia gasped, “No, that is not the magic of death. It…” the queen cut off as the last pulse was more like an explosion, and as the flash faded they saw the golden light had shaped itself into a spinning vortex.

Shalia said, “A world-gate, how unfortunate for the caster that he’ll end up in the middle of the undead army.”

The king laughed, then felt guilty for it, but it was too absurd.

“I’ve never seen a gate like that, only flat discs of white, and only from the most powerful of wizards.”

Shalia said, “A realm gate, the caster is not from our lands or oceans. I’ve never seen one, but I’ve heard them described in the myth and lore of our people.”

“A realm walker? Those are just legends,” he said dismissively.

The queen shrugged, and raised an eyebrow, as if to say it was happening right in front of them.

A single man dressed in black leathers walked out of the golden vortex of light and magic. It was impossible to make out further details at their distance, except that he towered over the undead men and women warriors around him. At least six foot six in height.

The vortex spun faster, then imploded with a flash as it disappeared.

The undead which had backed away until that point, charged the interloper with swords, axes, and spears.

The king gasped, as a soft white light started to radiate from the stranger, and when the undead touched that light they simply fell to the ground, the dark magics within them cut and destroyed.

The man slowly spun in a circle, as if looking for something, then suddenly took off at a breathtaking speed. Right for the lich’s main pavilion. Several of the undead archers took a shot from a distance, since their warriors couldn’t close, but the man uncannily dodged every single one of them.

“That idiot’s going to get himself killed. Whatever that spell is, he could escape with it.”

The queen bit her lip, but she didn’t answer him. Was that excitement and avarice on her face? He couldn’t tell, the elves were too alien in nature, exceedingly different from humans.

The lich came out and started to cast a spell, but the towering man in black leathers just ran faster. It was impressive as his aura of light kept killing the undead in his path, but the man must’ve been insane to face a lich and undead army alone.

The man dove forward into a roll as the lich released the large globes of acid, which flew over his head. He rolled forward and when he came up, he released a dagger with great force.

The king saw no weapons on the man, so assumed he’d taken it from one of the fallen undead within the man’s aura, during the roll, which was an impressive feat of agility. It was also pointless, no non-magical weapon could harm a lich, even a magical one could only destroy a lich with a strike to his heart, which was far from this battlefield.

The lich didn’t even bother to move, depending on that immunity.

Then the dagger exploded into incandescent white light right before it struck, the blade pierced the lich in the chin and went in to the hilt. It was an impossible throw, one that didn’t kill the lich, but had clearly gone straight through his head, pinning his jaw closed with the end of the foot-long dagger sticking out the top back of his head.

It wouldn’t harm the lich, or kill him, but it would keep him from casting another spell.

The elven queen gasped, and he couldn’t be sure, but he thought her breathing had grown heavier.

The lich pulled a great staff off its back that ended in curved wicked blades on both ends as the stranger in black leathers closed the remaining distance. The lich swung the staff so fast at the stranger’s neck that he hardly even saw the blur, but the staff hit nothing but air as the stranger was suddenly sliding on one knee and he punched the lich in the chest.

No, not a punch, a stab. White light escaped the lich from the man’s fist embedded in its