Rare - Briar Prescott Page 0,1

an update on how things were going with the wayward son—before he put the phone away to send an icy look toward Alex.

Under Jeeves’s disapproving glare, they were in front of the precinct in no time at all. No wonder Alex’s father kept Jeeves on hand at all times. He was probably invaluable in airports when you needed somebody to disperse a crowd with a single look. Well, he would have been useful had it not been for the private jet Alex’s father used.

Alex headed toward the silver Mercedes that was idling in front of the station. He opened the door and got in the back seat and nodded to his father’s driver, Remy.

“Hey,” Alex said. Remy gave him a salute and didn’t even try to suppress his smirk. Alex plunked down on the creamy leather seat. This was not the first time Remy had been tasked with picking up Alex after one of his incidents, as Alex’s father referred to them.

Think of the devil…

“Your father would like you to know that the money to pay for the damages will be coming out of your pocket.” Jeeves didn’t look up from his phone as he took a seat next to Alex and motioned Remy to drive with a swipe of his hand because words were apparently unnecessarily time-consuming.

Alex stared out the window and tuned out Jeeves. He was tired enough to fall asleep right then and there. Maybe he should take a vacation? Somewhere tropical with white sands and turquoise water. He wouldn’t say no to a holiday hookup either.

“Alexander? Did you hear me?” Jeeves’s impatient voice brought Alex back to reality.

“Loud and clear.”

“You do know that by the rate you’re going, you’ll have to declare yourself bankrupt before you’re even old enough to access your trust fund?”

Alex sent Jeeves a smirk. “At least I know I’ll be coming into some money once I turn thirty, so everything’s not lost. Besides, why are you so worried about my monetary situation all of a sudden? Are you planning to propose to me and become my trophy husband? Because I’ve gotta tell you, you’re not exactly my type. The whole being a robot-that’s-come-to-destroy-humanity thing is kind of a turn-off for me.”

Jeeves just stared at him with a blank look on his face.

“You should really consider returning yourself to warranty. They forgot to install a sense of humor when they released you from the factory,” Alex muttered with a roll of his eyes.

Still nothing. Alex turned his focus back on the buildings flying past the window. He couldn’t wait to get home and crash. He had the most amazing bed. It had one of those gel memory foam mattresses, and that shit was the best. It was like floating on a cloud of comfort.

Alex was so deep in his dreams about sleeping in his bed that it took him entirely too long to realize that they were headed in the wrong direction.

“Oh, fuck no. It’s entirely too early for this shit,” Alex groaned as they parked in front of the steel and glass high-rise. “Remy, any chance you forgot to take the right exit?” he asked.

“Sorry, kid,” Remy replied. Alex had been kid to Remy for close to fifteen years. Ever since his father had hired Remy and given him the task of carting Alex from preschool to every conceivable class that had been offered to a four-year-old. Because why spend time with your son when it’s much more convenient to shuck him off to Japanese lessons? After all these years, the bitterness was still there.

Well, it was better to get it done and over with, Alex decided as he got out of the car. There really was no point to postpone seeing his old man.

Jeeves followed Alex through the massive lobby of his father’s building, all the way to the bank of elevators where a bunch of people were waiting, clearly unaware that it was six o’clock in the morning and no reasonable soul had gotten out of bed yet. His father’s employees really were nuts. Alex ignored all of them as he bypassed them because if those people could not appreciate the beauty of sleep, Alex did not want to be associated with them. Some of them threw Alex annoyed glances as he passed, but they all knew who he was, so none of them dared say anything. Alex walked into the elevator that had opened in front of him the minute he reached the beginning of the line of people.
