Queen Takes Rose (Wicked Villains #6) - Katee Robert Page 0,3

Tink weren’t one of my closest friends, it might make me hate her. As it is, she gave me large shoes to fill when she left. I try to still my sudden shaking. “With respect, that’s not an answer.”

He gives a nearly soundless sigh and leans forward to prop his elbows on his desk. It brings his features into the light. Hades is an attractive, older white guy with salt-and-pepper hair and black square glasses that frame his dark eyes. He’s handsome in a scary kind of way, but he’s never been anything but kind to me.

Not that he’d label it as such. The man has a reputation to uphold, after all, and if I ever pointed out that he got the raw end of our bargain, he’d deny it. Hades doesn’t do charity, but in my case, there’s no other way to describe it. What other man would give an astronomical amount to a thirteen-year-old girl and then send her away with a command to return when she’s twenty-one?

I tested him to see if he’d come looking for me. Letting a week and then a month slip by after my birthday. He never showed to enforce the command. In fact, he seemed surprised when I finally arrived at the Underworld.

So, yes, I suppose Allecto is right in a way; Tink and I are nothing alike, and neither were our bargains.

I clasp my hands in my lap. “Then what is this about?”

“You’re more than welcome to remain in the Underworld once your bargain with me expires. This is your home as long as you choose to stay, and once your time is officially up, the negotiated percentage that I take out of your wages will be halved.” His lips quirk. “But I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that half of Carver City would happily welcome you into their homes.”

Into their homes, and into their beds.

But not in a permanent way. I’ve been here long enough to watch them find their true loves, one by one. They might enjoy scening with me from time to time, but I’ll always be on the outside looking into those relationships. No invitation to their homes would be permanent. I’m not naive enough to believe otherwise.

There was a time when that knowledge wouldn’t bother me. I’m not sure it does bother me, or if I’m just feeling particularly sensitive right now. “Is that what you called me in here to say?”

“No.” He sits back, once again bathed in shadows. “I called you here to convey an offer to contract out for the next two weeks.”

I raise my brows. Hades is notoriously reluctant to allow this kind of assignation. Both he and Allecto are control freaks when it comes to security in the Underworld, and he can’t guarantee the safety of his people outside it. Most everyone in Carver City is too smart to cross a line, even without constant security surveillance in place, but Hades takes no risks with his people. “I’m surprised you’re even considering it.”

“Yes, well, I don’t have much of a choice. The request came from a territory leader.”

The gaping, empty feeling in my chest roars, and I know the answer even before I put the question to voice. “Which one?”

He holds my gaze. “Malone.”



“Malone?” I suspected it had to be her, I still can’t keep the shock from my voice, from my face, from my very being. It’s finally happening? Finally, after all this time?

“Yes, it surprised me, too.” Hades watches me closely. “I’m inclined to say no, but Malone doesn’t demand much and it runs the risk of alienating her. However, considering your history with her, it’s a terrible idea.”

Hades is the only one besides Allecto who knows who my mother really is. Who’s responsible for putting her in that coma to begin with. He’s right. I should say no.

If he knew where I’d just come from, he wouldn’t have even given me the option. He would have rejected the offer instantly.

But as I sit here, staring at my hands, darkness rushes into that void inside me. A screaming that demands action, demands revenge. Malone is careful and particular, and in my nine years of working here, I have only truly interacted with her once, years ago when we scened together. If I say yes to this, I will be close to her for the next two weeks. I’ll be close enough to strike, to do something to hurt her as much as she’s hurt me. “I accept.”

