A Queen of Gilded Horns (A River of Royal Blood #2) - Amanda Joy Page 0,2

and Ysai’s stomach clenched as she caught sight of the first rider.

Anosh, her mother’s second, a man of eagle wings and storm-cleaving magick in his veins, rode not a horse like most of the folks behind him. He sat astride one of the shahana, a rare antelope found only in the far north. Like all shahana, the massive beast was a few hands taller than a horse, with long nimble legs and splayed hooves perfect for navigating the snow and ice of upper reaches of the mountains. White spiraled horns sprang from the sides of her triangular head and her pitch-black fur was flecked with snow-white spots. A crest of equally snowy fur covered her chest.

Ysai knew the beast well, for it was her mother’s mount. She pushed through the crowd gathering at the gate as an uneasy silence spread.

It was shattered a few moments later as two men carrying a stretcher came into view.

Ysai broke into a sprint as the crowd opened before her. Roaring filled her ears, and between one blink and the next, she was on her knees in the dirt as the stretcher was laid on the ground.

Only to be greeted by her mother’s smile. The silver hair and antlers Ysai had inherited were bright in the dark night. Ysai scanned her mother’s face—the only sign of pain was faint tightness around her eyes—before turning her attention to the arrow protruding from Moriya’s waist. A deep crimson stain bloomed around the wound.

Before she could say a word, the Mother of the Tribe crooned, “It is not so fearsome as it seems. I was shot as we crossed the border.” Moriya reached up to catch a single fallen tear on Ysai’s cheek. “Do not worry.”

Moriya’s smile slackened to a painful grimace as she reached within the heavy folds of her woolen cloak to pull out a journal. She pressed it into Ysai’s hands.

“Do you understand?” Moriya asked. “I need you to be strong now.”

Fear clanged through Ysai. She knelt there frozen in the dirt until someone, she did not notice who, hauled her to her feet.

She followed the path Moriya’s stretcher cut through the gathering khimaer, barely hearing the explanations from the dismounting warriors.

We were ambushed at the border . . .

Be assured . . . the Mother will be well.

Human scum . . . cowards waited until we . . .

Ysai tuned it all out, numbly trudging after her mother as she held tight to the book.

She knew Moriya wouldn’t have given her this book unless things were truly dire. It was deceptively plain, hand-bound in twine with a Godling symbol inscribed on the cover. One of the dozens of journals Moriya kept, but never once before let Ysai look within.

Finally Ysai skidded to a stop before one of the white canvas tents where the Tribe’s healers worked. Sentries waited out front, blocking the entrance. Only patients were allowed within, and it wouldn’t do to disturb their work. Still fear writhed in her gut like an eel.

She settled on the ground, close enough to the lanterns hanging outside each tent to read. She flipped through the pages until she reached the last entry.

At the top of the page were notes written in a cypher; not written for Ysai’s eyes, though she would attempt to translate them in time. She ran her fingers over a splotch of blood staining the corner. It had seeped into several pages.

In the center of the page, her mother’s sloping handwriting switched to plain Khimaeran.


My mother once told me I would know my death when it came to me. She said all women gifted with Khimaerani’s power do. I didn’t take her warning seriously. But as soon as the bolt struck, I knew I’d been wrong. I could feel my death rushing toward me; I knew I wouldn’t survive the healing required to save my life. Already I feel weakness seeping through me like poison, and every one of my hundred years weighing upon me like stones. There is chaos in the South, chaos that will serve our plans. Learn the cypher, you will see. And call the Hunter home; he will be essential. There is one last thing. Someone else has inherited the gift we share. You must lead our Tribe south, free the khimaer in the Enclosures, and you will find her there. She will be Queen.

The words were rushed and sloppy. Ysai could barely make sense of it. Her eyes were still scanning the page as she climbed