Queen (Cats of Felidae Academy #4) - River Ramsey Page 0,3

which looked even more ominous in its shadows.

“Come on,” Axel said, putting an arm around Ella to lead her inside.

A few priestesses were waiting in the lobby, and they ceased talking immediately as soon as they saw Ella.

“Welcome, Your Majesty,” the tallest one said, bowing in reverence along with the other two. “Tessa will be here shortly.”

“You can just call me Ella. Please.”

They seemed uncertain and Axel rolled his eyes, but Ella found herself more interested in the temple room she could see just beyond the doors. It was open as it had been that night, and it looked much the same as it had, though she was too nervous to notice much. All the stained glass and furnishings had seemed so elegant during the ritual, but now that the temple was empty, it just felt hollow and left her on edge.

“There you are,” Tessa said warmly, sweeping into the room. She was in her full regalia, dashing Ella’s hopes that whatever she had planned would be a casual affair. “I was worried he couldn’t be relied on to bring you.”

Axel scowled, but he kept his mouth shut. He looked like he was going to spontaneously combust, but Ella was proud of him. In a way.

“Is Mr. Bryant here?” she asked, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. The last thing she needed was Tessa getting wind of their relationship.

“He is. He’s helping me finalize some preparations,” Tessa said, studying Ella closely. “I suppose he told you the gist of why I called you here.”

Ella hesitated, not wanting to out him. “Not in any detail.”

Tessa gave her a knowing smile. “It’s alright. As your tutor, it’s only natural for him to want to forewarn you. Have you given it any thought?”

“The coronation?” Ella asked warily. “I have, but I’m honestly not sure it’s a good idea. I’m definitely not ready, and I don’t want to give the impression we’ve given up on finding Natalia.”

“That’s why she chose you,” Tessa mused, brushing Ella’s cheek. “A true Empress is selfless. Natalia would be proud of you.”

Ella was far from comforted by the gravity of her words, but she nodded.

Tessa led them into the temple and ushered them to take a seat around a circular table that hadn’t been there the last time. Ella eyed the candles on the table nervously.

“What is this, a seance?” Axel asked, echoing the thoughts Ella was too polite to voice.

Tessa shot him a dirty look. “Your commentary isn’t necessary.”

“What are we doing?” Ella ventured. “This isn’t the coronation, right?”

“Of course not,” Tessa said with a chuckle. “That day will make your choosing look like a tea party.”

Ella cringed inwardly. She certainly wouldn’t have considered it that.

Then again, she had been dunked quite thoroughly, so maybe there was something to the metaphor after all.

“I’m just going to perform a reading for you and your child,” Tessa said, holding her hands out with her palms up on the table. “Just to make certain all is as it should be before the coronation. We don’t want another incident.”

“No,” Ella murmured, placing her hands in Tessa’s. “We definitely don’t.”

“Just close your eyes and take a few deep breaths,” Tessa said, closing her own eyes first. “We’re going to go into a light trance state.”

Ella followed her instructions, trying to focus on calm breathing rather than the many nervous thoughts flying around in her mind. Having Axel there was surprisingly comforting. She was still going to have to get used to that.

She had no idea what Tessa was going to find, and she was slightly worried. Her last ultrasound had been normal, but what if something had changed? What if there was something wrong with the baby that couldn’t be picked up by their medical instruments?

Tessa began to hum in a low, steady tone as she went deeper into the trance. Ella found it easier to relax the further it went.

At least until Axel interrupted.

“What do you see?”

Ella didn’t need to open her eyes to know Tessa was glowering at her mate. “Hush, you. I’m almost finished. Your energy is flowing well, Ella,” she said in a proud tone, as if Ella had any hand to play in that. “The child’s, too. I’d say she’s quite certainly going to be a powerful queen one day. Perhaps even Empress.”

Ella’s eyes flew open. “It’s a girl?”

Tessa’s eyes remained shut, but she smiled. “Forgive me for spoiling it. I forget, not everyone is privy to these things.”

Ella glanced over at Axel, trying to gauge his