Pursuing the Egoist - Nero Seal Page 0,3

cramping and adjust.

Caressing the slack arm with his hand, he entwined their fingers together, then lifted the motionless palm to his mouth to kiss it but froze. His pupils pinned on the ink prints marring the outer side of the slim wrist. Eyes narrowing, he read the small, colorful stamps nightclubs used to mark their visitors. Five prints from five different places; none of them was Rudolph’s.

Interesting… Did Greg lie to me to protect you? Shelving the thought, Yugo clicked his tongue. Whatever tenderness he’d felt toward Noah was now gone, as irritation swamped his chest. Shaking his head, he chuckled, “What a slut… Haven’t I warned you not to go clubbing alone?”

Pulling his cock out of the hot insides, Yugo got to his knees, and gave Noah a fresh, examining look. The boy reeked of body fluids and the unfamiliar perfume meant he had been partying all night, letting other people come close enough for their smell to rub into his skin. Yet, he was dry and tight, so he didn’t bottom, at least not tonight.

Still, he disobeyed. This behavior required punishment.

For some reason, Yugo wasn’t mad. On the contrary, despite Noah’s free spirit and his request to come and go as he pleased, the brat had never done anything to undermine Yugo’s authority or disrespect him. He had always been attentive to Yugo’s needs and obedient in bed, maybe too obedient following Yugo’s orders to a letter. Noah made sex sophisticated, zealous, refined, like in a high-quality porn movie. Yet, for Yugo, it still lacked the animalistic, carnivorous zest and spontaneity. Even the pain Yugo had granted the brat had always been moderate, consented, desired.

This small rebellion felt like a fresh breeze of provocation; provocation that sent an electric shock down Yugo’s spine.

Yugo chewed on the inside of his cheek, wondering how to discipline the brat when his gaze fell upon the chains. Being an extremely tactile person, Noah didn’t like being restricted, and with his eagerness to please, Yugo had never found a reason to tie him up. Until now.

With a rough hand, he yanked Noah’s arm up, secured his wrist with a cuff. Stretching from the wrist to the top of the pillar, the chain looped through a ring and streamed down to the side of the bed where a carabiner secured it to another ring. Yugo hauled the chain until Noah’s arm was sprawled to the pillar then relocked the carabiner.

Shuffling to the other side of the bed, he repeated the procedure with Noah’s other wrist before moving to the foot of the bed where he peeled the trunks off Noah’s legs and secured his ankles with leather straps.

When Noah was spread on his bed in a starfish position, Yugo snatched a pillow, pushed it under the boy’s hips, then stepped away, admiring his work.

Yugo had always found Noah beautiful, but now he was flawless. The rough metal only accentuated the healthy glow of his tanned skin. Sprawled on his belly, he had nothing to hide, offering his most private parts for observation.

Shrugging off his jacket, Yugo wondered if he should invite an audience. Would Noah get shy and self-conscious under the oily stares of faceless observers? Would he appreciate the attention, humiliation? The thought sounded wonderfully delicious, yet Yugo shrugged it off as he didn’t have time to arrange the rent boys. Using his subordinates wasn’t an option, as he would never willingly instill the idea of Noah being accessible to them.

Pulling off his tie, Yugo restrained Noah’s chin with his fingers, opened his mouth with another hand before shoving the black, silky strip between the pearly, rounded teeth. The knot tightened at the back of the beautiful head; Yugo ran a nail down the throbbing, blue vein on Noah’s neck. Stunning.

YUGO DIDN’T KNOW how much time passed since he’d entered Noah’s body, but he had to stop three times to suppress his orgasm, and his arms shook with pressure. When a muffled groan preceded a slight muscle spasm, and the tattoo on Noah’s shoulders came to life, he grinned.


The wing twitched, so did the gory mess, both failed to flap. Head turning to the side, Noah pried his eyes open. Unfocused and sleepy, his gaze was confused.

Panting, Yugo leaned into the taut body, wiped his wet forehead off on the ink-covered back, before breathing sultry words into Noah’s ear, “Good morning, Slut. Did you rest well? I hope you did because you will need a lot of energy today.”

Noah tensed and tugged at