Precious Gems - Sierra Hill



The smack across my face is sudden and jarring.

My head snaps up, jaw widening to allow the escape of a soft gasp, my open palm covering my cheek where the skin burns hot from his hand.

“Don’t you fuck this up for me, Gemma. Do you hear me?”

I stare blankly into his eyes, the eyes of a man who I both love and detest, his bloodshot orbs glaring me down with undeniable hatred and disgust.

“Just do exactly what I’ve told you and do not deviate from the plan. Text me only when you land and once you have the money.”

His cold eyes sweep over my body, his lips quivering with hostility, his breath reeking of alcohol and cigarettes.

My father hates me for reasons I may never fully understand. And yet, I continue to try, time and time again, to gain his love and approval.

“And keep that fucking mouth and whoring legs of yours shut. You know what will happen if I find out you’ve done something stupid, don’t you?”

It’s not a question. Whether I’m too quiet, or too loud, or I sneeze, or am two minutes late – there are always consequences. And his words hurt me more and cause more damage than any slap or punch could ever do.

I simply nod my head and stare up into the eyes of the only parent I have ever known as he lifts the heavy backpack and straps it over my shoulder to carry. I accept it with shaking hands, like the gauntlet given to a warrior who heads off to war.

I’m the chosen warrior this time but still the lowly servant to his majesty.

It isn’t that he trusts me anymore than he did yesterday, or that he believes I’m ready to step up into a new role in this family. No, the only reason I’ve been tasked with this assignment now is that there’s no one else around he can trust. Although I wonder if he ever really trusts anyone at all.

Regardless of his intentions, I’m the only one in the family available for this job. The only one in his crew able to leave the country with a passport that won’t flag the police or the Feds.

He chose me to go because my name won’t appear on any watch list or database because I’ve never been in trouble with the law. I’ve kept my nose clean and kept off the radar of the authorities.

I may be the daughter of Mudd Phillips, a known criminal and thief, but this is the first time he’s ever involved me in the family business.

And hopefully the only time.

Because after this, I’m gone.

I have plans for the rest of my life.

And they don’t involve being a career criminal in my father’s connected world.

Chapter 1

The woman in the line in front of me lets out a loud grumbling breath, heaving an exaggerated sigh before twisting around to speak to me. She passes a look that indicates we’re in cahoots. Which we are not.

“God, does everyone in Europe have to move this slow?”

I keep my head down, eyes averted and stare at the passport in my hand before raising my chin to respond to her question.

“I’m not sure. This is my first time here.” I shrug with a shy lift of my shoulder and hope she leaves it at that.

I was given explicit instructions not to talk with anyone. Mudd made that very clear. He wanted me to keep a low profile, to get in and get out, and not raise awareness as to why a girl from Jersey is in Belgium.

But no such luck. The woman pushes her elegantly styled blonde hair out of her face, producing a knowing smile before dropping a well-manicured hand down on my arm. Her gold dangly bracelets jingle loudly, and I flinch at her touch.

I’m not used to the soft and sensitive touch of a woman because I’ve never had it. I never knew my mother. I have no frame of reference for what the gentle compassion of a fellow woman feels like.

While the foreign feeling catches me off-guard, it is neither wanted nor appreciated.

“Oh, darling. You are going to love Antwerp,” she exclaims, a dreamy look sketching across her face. Her eyes dance across my face and body, and she hums. “And with your youth and beauty, you’re sure to have swarms of young men flocking around you. Are you staying here in Belgium? Or will you be traveling around Europe?”

An automatic yes is about to leave my lips when I