Power Couple (Nashvegas # 1) - Laramie Briscoe Page 0,3

back to her, trying hard to pretend like we aren’t looking.

"Bri!" Someone shots from the crowd, and immediately I do as I’m trained, looking to where the sound is coming from. It's not unusual for people to shout my name, and I'm more used to that than the silence now. When I see a man taking a picture, I wave, giving him a grin. The badge he wears around his neck proclaims him to be a member of the media. He’s looking for a shot to sell. "Why don't you take a picture with EJ? It'll be a good photo op."

"EJ?" I question, giggling slightly, feeling my face burn, knowing I’m going to make a fool of myself. "He may not wanna be seen with someone like me."

I hear her voice, full of apprehension, but I also sense a degree of wanting, and wait a split second before I turn around to face her. "Nah, sweetheart, probably other way around. You don't wanna be seen with someone like me." He gives me a smile that showcases the dimples in his cheeks, although slightly covered with a beard. Jesus Christ.

Walking over to him, I tilt my head back, in order to look up at him. He’s a big guy, tall and making an imposing figure standing next to his dad. They are head and shoulders above everyone else around. In heels I come to his collar bone, and I wonder what it would be like to have his arm draped across my neck. "You don't have to," I say, giving him an out.

He bends down so that his lips rest near my ear. His hot breath fans my skin. “Nah, like I'm a fan. Don't tell anybody though," he jokes as he slips his arm right where I had imagined it to be. We just met, but it feels so right.

My heart pounds, palms go sweaty, and that feeling of driving over a hill too fast is deep in my stomach. My mouth is almost too dry to be able to smile, and I hope he can’t feel how shaky my hands are.

I'm literally dying as I look at the cameras pointed at us, trying to relax. "I'm a fan too," I admit. "Where do you want us to look?"

The group of photographers has grown significantly. Instead of one or two, they are all I see. We turn to the left, then the right, face head on, smiling together as we pose for the pictures. After we've taken a few, EJ gives a wave. "We gotta get in there to see my mom kill it, have a good night!"

He turns, putting his hand on the small of my back to lead me into the amphitheater. Lord above, this looks like we're on a date to anyone who happens to see us together. We're walking, concentrating on moving with the flow of people when Reaper taps me on the shoulder.

"You ladies are sitting next to us tonight." He motions to me and Madison. "When your friend called to get tickets, they recognized your name, and they know how much of a fan you are. RJ didn't come with us, and neither did the friend he was bringing. You’re welcome to sit in the family section.”

"Seriously?" I ask, excitement rolling up in my stomach. "This is the best birthday present ever!"

"Today's your birthday?" EJ asks as we all follow Reaper into a sectioned-off area.

While I’ve seen plenty of these areas at my own concerts, I’ve never actually been in one. To say I feel special is an understatement.

Amazed and blown away are more proper terms. There's a couch and tables, along with what appears to be liquor of our choice, provided by our own waitresses, and we are dead stage center. "Not exactly." Madison and I have a seat, EJ sitting next to me, Reaper on the other side of him. "My birthday was last month, but this is the first weekend I've had free and the first time she and I have been able to go out and celebrate it. This is Madison, my best friend, and manager.” I make the introduction like I’m running the show here. “We’ve been slightly busy, but we’re trying to make time to do fun things together before the touring cycle gets crazy again.”

"And what's better than getting your best friend tickets to see her childhood idol in Vegas?" Maddie takes a drink of the cocktail one of the waitresses hands her.

"How old are you?" Reaper