Penned In - Lynn Cahoon Page 0,2

too. Besides, you’ll probably need to hurry home to feed Precious and Mabel.”

“Actually, Erica’s coming from across the street for tonight and tomorrow morning’s feedings, so I’m good. But I’ll let you clean up. Especially since Estebe and I cooked.”

With many hands, the dinner mess was cleaned up in no time. Ian stood next to her, looking at the prison. “It’s formidable. Can you believe that most of it was built with prison labor? No construction crews here.”

“They hauled a lot of rock in from the river for that front.” Angie glanced at the other buildings. “Most of these are made out of rock. That’s crazy.”

“It kept the prisoners in. Although if I was incarcerated and forced to build my own jail, I might just build some secret escape hatch, just in case my parole didn’t come through when I needed it.” Ian pointed to the door that was opening. “Looks like the fun is beginning.”

Four people in guard uniforms walked through the front door. They waved everyone closer. One of the guards was the young woman who’d come by their table earlier. The other three looked so much alike, Angie wondered if they were related.

Hope stood by her side. She glanced up at Angie with a small smile on her face. “I hope this isn’t scary. I hate scary movies. I’d triple hate being in one.”

Angie put one hand on Hope’s shoulder and squeezed. “It’s team building, not scream building. Relax, it’s just a play. A theater of sorts. Everyone’s just playing a role.”

As they walked to the four guards who were motioning them inside, Hope sighed. “That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t want to play a role in this crazy play. I just want to get out alive with my friends by my side.”

Angie felt the change in temperature as soon as she walked through the doors. The stone walls kept the building cool, even in deep summer. Which tended to last for less than a week. Goosebumps prickled her arms.

“Isn’t this the coolest?” Matt asked.

Hope shook her head. “This is crazy, that’s what it is. I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

Hope looked like she was about to bolt. Angie met Estebe’s gaze and he nodded, stepping closer to the young woman. “Just stay by me. Nothing is going to hurt you. I won’t let it.”

She smiled up at him. “That’s kind of you, but I’m not afraid of real people.”

He held up a St. Christopher’s medal. “My mama told me as long as I wore this, nothing on earth or heaven or hell could get me. I have faith. I know you do as well, so let’s just focus on our faith and have fun with our friends.”

“In the lion’s den.” Hope shook her head. “You’re right. I’m being a baby. Let’s get this party started.”

A male guard stood on a podium. “Go ahead and grab a locker. The keys are on lanyards so you can keep them close at hand. Just in case you need a quick getaway.”

Another guard jumped up on the platform. “Just don’t be thinking you’re actually going to get out of here. You’re ours until we release you in the morning. No whining, no back talk, and especially, no crying. I hate crybabies.”

Hope’s eyes widened as she stepped closer to Estebe. Even Matt swallowed a bit as he watched the guard slap a night stick in his hand.

“Visit a prison, it will be fun, they said,” Felicia muttered loud enough for the group to hear. Angie smothered a laugh as the prison guard stared at their group.

“If the comedy act is done back there, let’s get your belongings and valuables in a locker. Keep your key close by, you never know when you might have to leave unexpectedly. You can have cameras and a small notebook, but nothing else.” He grinned but the action held no warmth or no humor.

“I’m beginning to think we stepped back in time.” Angie said to Ian as she made her way to a locker. He put his wallet and phone in the same locker and took the one key. He tucked it into his shirt.

“We’ll be fine. It’s all an act.” Ian put an arm around her waist. “Come with me and see my new digs, doll. I’ll be home in five to ten.”

“Not funny. I don’t date convicts.” She glanced back to make sure the others were close by.

“Then we may need to have a little talk when we get out of here.”