Pearced - By H. Ryder Page 0,4

if they could find them. Some jeans have rumoured to have passed hands for £1000 each. All the dry-processes hand-treated here in London, with laundries in California so the word is. The denim itself woven on old narrow looms in an undisclosed location, buy an artisan nobody knows, using organic cotton and recycled denim giving the surface of the twill a slubby, open and antiqued appearance that is so gorgeous.

But women want more. We want super stretch and lightweight, an antidote to the heavy unyielding menswear. We want super skinny and sexy, and that is Milk&Honey, or it will be, only one style of jean has ever been released a serial stamped small run of fifteen pairs only, mine I recall to myself are no.8.

Bloody phone, it just won’t stop its silent hum, its white noise, I keep my eyes on his, unflinchingly calm, ignore.

This man I’m looking at, easy with his body and relaxed and confident, handsome, but more than handsome, stunning, I feel my chest tightening again.

His smile makes me glad I’m already sitting down. Slim, he is slim, with wide shoulders. His jeans are a RANDom denim dark authentic dark indigo blue, with a red cast, skinny, very skinny with a tiny turned-up twisted hem and sit low, very low on his slim hips, his stomach almost concave where it reaches his waistband. Kept in place with a worn studded leather wide black belt.

I guess his black fitted shirt to be Prada judging by the skinny collar with no topstitch and concealed button placket. Open at the top button, black shabby tux jacket, winkle picker boots, old and scuffed. A tattoo inches its way out from his collar up nearly to his right ear, it's a wing from a great bird or mythical winged serpent at a guess, with some intricately worked weird markings, I’d really like to see the rest of that inked piece of his body...there I go again! Concentrate Tharie!

His handshake is soft and warm, he smells great. He hasn't shaved today. I’m embarrassed, this man is so beautiful I can't stop staring. He looks at me, I give him a gentle version of my warning smile, the smile my Mum tells me should unnerve anyone.

MV medium trot.

But he just laughs too, such a lovely honest laugh, his face has creases beside his eyes, he lowers his gaze, I get the feeling he doesn’t know what to ask me. ...Mum was right... Shut all confrontations down with a smile...the ultimate defence mechanism. If that fails, use humour.

I'm going to need tea quite soon.

"I’ve been recommended by a good friend to talk to you about developing the jeans for Milk&Honey Tharie.” He leans toward me elbows on the desktop.

What friend, I ask myself?

His attention turns to his device.

“A friend who says you're the only one to speak to." He is looking at his phone as if the script were written there, he frowns, and starts to say something...

"I guessed that Daniel." I say with mild sarcasm in my voice, I really don’t like wasting my time and I easily get bored and impatient with people. "This is a very small community, and there aren't that many denim designers out there."

"This isn't an interview Tharie, I am already offering you the job, your work speaks for itself, I just wanted to meet you to see if we could work together”...He looks at me unblinking, “and now we've met," he pauses and his expression changes, it's as if he's seeing me for the first time, he takes in my whole face, I catch a breath as I notice, "I’m certain we can." He says.

Is he going to offer me a cup of tea or what!? How rude.

I am attracted to this man, I’m trying my best to conceal it, “OK.” I’m finding it hard to think clearly and sound smart. Instead when I speak I sound snappy and defensive. “Thank you,” what am I defending myself against? Him? I’m unnerved by the effect he's having on me. I’m looking at his mouth now, wondering what it would feel like to kiss him. Those lovely full soft lips, that turn into a great smile as I linger on them, he's caught me staring. It snaps me out of my head instantly. I take another deep breath.

Halt at A, rein-back 4 steps, forward into working trot.

Rein-back isn't working either!

"I brought some work," I turn my head to indicate a much lugging of portfolios and laptops was accomplished with great