An Outlaw's Honor - Terri Brisbin Page 0,4

body as he grew close enough for her to see that his eyes were brown. He was indeed more than a foot taller than even her and she was known to be tall for a woman. Gathering her wits about her, Annora watched him stride through those nearer her with the grace and manner of a predator. Though his gaze rested on her mostly, he never stopped studying the place, the people, the path and, she noticed, the ways out of the hall.

When he stopped before her, she lost the ability to think.

He was the most beautiful, most arrogant, most masculine person she’d ever seen. Annora stared at his face with its slight scruff of beard unshaven and its hard angles that made him terrifying in a male way. Her gaze moved down to take in the width of his shoulders, the massive size of his arms and thighs visible and intimidating under the chain mail and gambeson he wore.

He tucked his helm under his arm and smiled at her. ’Twas not a welcoming, warm smile. For a moment, she felt like his prey, waiting and holding her breath for him to make the first strike against her. Her body filled with an awareness she’d never felt before—parts of her ached, while other places tingled. She struggled to draw in a breath as the anticipation surrounded her like a vice.

The knight moved closer and leaned over to her, holding out his hand for hers. He wore no gauntlets or gloves; they lay tucked under his belt at his waist, and so his hands were revealed to be strong and as large as he was. Without thought, she offered her hand, and as he took it, Annora felt the callouses created by hard use rub against her palm. Lifting it higher and higher, he paused until she was forced now to look up to meet his eyes.


His gaze was hungry.

When he brought her hand to his lips in a gesture of greeting and honor, Annora could not be sure that he would not bite her. Another wave of aching, terror, want and anticipation filled her as he held her hand beneath his mouth for a moment without moving. Then, his brown gaze locked with her own, and he inhaled slowly before touching his lips to her skin. Scenting her as a predator did before the attack.

Without moving his gaze from hers, he opened his mouth and kissed her hand in a most inappropriate way. Insulting, really, for his mouth lingered too long, and his tongue touched her skin. The heat of him moved through her, overwhelming her in a way she could not describe. Then, he smiled.

A smile should soften one’s expression. It should show pleasure or acceptance or happiness. It should.

This man’s smile simply confirmed what she already knew about him—he was handsome, he was strong, and he was dangerous in a way she’d never encountered before. Yet, as he watched her in those few moments, she did not feel the fear that she should. Nay, she was certain he would not harm her. Instead, Annora thought he would simply consume her. He would take everything she had to give and want more. He would do things to her...

“My lord and the Earl of Northumberland await within, sir!”

His escort spoke in a loud enough voice to wake the dead or to interrupt this strange encounter. And yet, the man still held her hand close to his mouth, never releasing it and keeping it positioned so that she could feel his breath, his heated breath, on her flesh.

“My lady Annora, I fear I must tend to my duties. ’Twas a pleasure.” He paused and kissed her hand once more. Before she could withdraw it, he turned her hand over and kissed the inside of her wrist.

“Sir!” Annora pulled her hand free at the scandalous, intimate action.

He laughed then, and, with a bow to her, he turned to follow the escort.

“Who are you?” she called out as he moved swiftly away from her now.

He’d heard her, for he stopped and faced her.

“I am called Thomas of Kelso, my lady. And who I am depends on many things. At the least, I am your enemy. At the best, I will be your...” When he would have said something more, the escort called him again, this time louder to gain his attention.

“Sir Thomas! Now!”

With those provocative words, he disappeared into the chamber where her father and his liege waited, adding to the mystery of