Outlaw - By Nicole James Page 0,2

about money?”

“No. I guess not.”

“So, you got it?”

“Well, no. Not on me. Not all of it.”

Cole watched Chuck start to sweat. “Well, how much you got?”

Chuck looked at him, and took a second to answer. “Ah, hundred. Maybe.”

“Maybe?” Cole stared at him, and then leaned forward putting his elbows on the table.

“Yeah, probably.”

Cole smiled. “Now why do I get the feelin’ you’re holdin’ out on me, huh? Put your wallet on the table.”

Again Chuck looked to Wyatt.

“Why do you keep lookin’ at him?” Cole demanded. “He’s not the one you owe. Now put your Goddamn wallet on the table.”

Chuck huffed out a long breath, and pulled his wallet out, and tossed it down.

Cole stared at him a long moment, and then reached for the wallet. He pulled all the cash out spreading it on the table. “Well, well. You were holdin’ out on me. Looks like more than a hundred. Or can’t you count?”

Chuck just glared back at him.

“I count five hundred here,” Cole said, scooping up the money. “So, now I just need fifteen more.” He stared at Chuck waiting for a response. “What’re we gonna do about that, Chuck?”

“I can get it for you. I just need more time.”

“Time? You’ve had enough time. I want my money. Now.”

“Well, I haven’t got it, man.”

“Yeah. I see that.”

Wyatt glanced at Cole.

Cole slid him a look. “Maybe I’ll just have to take your bike.”

“My bike?” Chuck blurted. “You’re shittin’ me, right? You can’t take my bike, man.”

“I can do anything I Goddamn want!” Cole shouted back at him, noticing out of the corner of his eye the girl flinch at his raised, angry voice.

Chuck looked to Wyatt, and he realized that he wasn’t going to stop Cole. He looked back at Cole. “Come on. Please, man. Don’t take my bike.”

“You got anything else of value?” Cole asked as his eyes slid to the girl.

Chuck saw where he was looking, and glanced down at her, and then back at Cole. “The girl,” he offered.

Cole looked at him, and smirked, “The girl?”

“Yeah, man. Take the girl.”

Cole looked at her, and replied, “No offense, darlin’.” He glanced back at Chuck, “But she ain’t worth two grand.”

Chuck stared at him. “I’ll get you the money.”

“Yeah,” Cole nodded. “You will.”

They stared at each other. Cole thought of how badly he wanted to drive his fist into this guy’s face.

Wyatt leaned forward, and looked at Cole. “Can’t we work something out, here? As a favor to me?”

Cole held Wyatt’s eyes a long moment, and then nodded. “Okay. Fine. I’ll take the girl.”

Chucky exhaled. “Thanks, man. I’m glad we worked this out.”

“You still owe me fifteen more.”

“What?” Chucky asked, stunned.

“You don’t think she clears your debt, do ya, Chucky boy?” Cole smiled an evil grin.

“What do ya mean?”

“She just buys you two more weeks.”

“This is bullshit!”

“You rather I take your bike?” Cole bit back.

Chuck looked at Wyatt, and then back at Cole. “Fine. I’ll have your Goddamn money in two weeks.” He got up to leave.

“Un-cuff her,” Cole ordered.

“I don’t have the key,” Chuck snapped back.

Cole looked at Wyatt, and back at Chuck, incredulously. “You what?”

“You heard me.”

“So, what were you planning on doing with her? Keeping her cuffed forever?” Cole demanded an answer.

Chuck shrugged his shoulders, and smirked at Cole. “Didn’t figure I’d have a use for her for that long.”

“And then what? Dump her body in the desert when you were finished?” Cole exploded out of his chair, and lunged at him across the table. “You fucking piece of shit!”

He landed a powerful punch to Chuck’s face, knocking him back over his chair. The girl scooted back further into the corner, terrified.

Wyatt leapt to his feet. “Whoa, whoa.”

“Get this son-of-a-bitch out of my sight before I kill him,” Cole snapped at Wyatt.

Wyatt hauled Chuck to his feet, and shoved him toward the door.

Cole noticed something pink sticking out of Chuck’s back pocket. “Hold on.”

Chuck looked back at him.

“What’s that in your back pocket?” Cole demanded.

Chucky wiped the blood from his lip with the back of his hand, and spat out, “Her cell phone.”

“Leave it,” Cole ordered, pointing at the table.

Chuck pulled it out, and tossed it down on the table. He looked at Cole. “Have fun. She’s a handful,” he smirked as Wyatt shoved him toward the door.

Cole yelled after him, pointing his finger at him. “You’ve got two fucking weeks!”

Wyatt shoved Chuck out the door, and followed him out.

Cole took a deep breath to calm him self down. He looked down at the girl, who