The Officer - Kelli Callahan Page 0,3

me fishing in the river.

You know what, forget finding a woman my own age, I'm just gonna go fishing.

Walking back to my office, I notice the worn leather chair. The chair has been in the department for decades and has been used by myself, my father before me, and my great-uncle before that. Being a police officer is in my blood, and my family lives and breathes the blue-collar lifestyle. Traverse men pride themselves on loyalty, dedication, and justice. After all, those are the words on the family crest—loyalty, dedication, justice.

Would I be violating those heavy words if I allow my thoughts to wander to a younger, more vulnerable woman?

Sighing heavily to myself, I begin to pace my little office. Who am I kidding? Fishing won’t get Lucy out of my head. Nothing will, except having her in my bed. God, I want her in my bed. Just the words "Lucy" and "bed" had me feeling weak and then hard with desire.

There have been so many times that I have imagined her in my bed. It shames me to admit it, even to myself, but the night she sat next to me at the table, I wasn't able to push those thoughts aside. I went straight to my room and stood under a cold shower, hoping it would dull the ache that she stirred within me. It did nothing, though, I remember now, closing my eyes to relive the memory.

Looking down in the shower, the cold water pouring down my lean body. It did nothing to soothe the aching in my loins. I was still erect and rock-hard for her. Sliding my hands down my abdomen to my shaft, I closed my eyes in pleasure, imagining the hand around it was hers. It was her body I imagined before me in the shower. I imagined lifting her and wrapping those silky legs around my hips as I drove into her, pushing her hard against the cold shower wall. She'd cry out, I know she would. She’s a virgin, and I want to be her first. I relished the sensation around my cock, I began moving harder and faster, imaging the way her eyes would darken in surprise, shock, and pleasure. I'd feast on those cool hard breasts, her nipples hard against my lips as I thrust into her, causing those firm breasts to bounce against me. I would take her, consume her, and she would be mine. I all but collapsed against the shower wall at the glorious release.

Ugh, and then the feeling of shame and self-loathing had sunk in as I cleaned up the mess on the shower floor. I told myself that the most significant contributor to the feeling was that I had masturbated to the thought of a minor.

She isn't a minor now. is it still wrong, though? I wonder to myself at the age gap, shaking my head. She's twenty years younger and most likely a virgin.

If I were anyone else, not an officer of the law, maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal. Was it actually a big deal to me, though, or did I just feel like it should be a big deal, and that's why I couldn't pursue her?

Alright, that's it. I'm done thinking about this, and I am calling it a day. I'm going fishing, I decide as I stride out of my office, banging the door closed behind me.

Walking back to the front of the department, I nod to Sergeant Fleming.

"Where are you going?” he asks in surprise. “Are you leaving already Sir?" the sergeant calls after me.

"I'm goin' fishin'," I say, slamming the heavy wooden door behind me. I need to get this girl out of my head. I need to be alone. I can’t concentrate when I have her filling my mind, and my mind imagining filling her body.

Chapter Three


"Hey, Annie," I call to my biggest fan.

"What do you want, girl?" she snaps to me.

I can't even pretend to be offended. I know I'm making progress on her. The first two weeks, Annie practically ignored everything I said.

"I'm clocking off now. I just wanted to let you know before I ran out."

She makes a grunting sound in my direction before opening her next tabloid.

I don't know how she can stand to read those things. Half of it can't possibly be true. There's no way Taylor Swift is dating Kanye West. I roll my eyes as I walk out of the convenience store.

I guess that's the most news that