Obsidian - Miranda Bridges

For the love of dark.

I round the corner and refrain from uttering the expletive. With a vessel as large as mine, it should be feasible to avoid coming into contact with the refugees, yet they locate me time and time again as if I’ve been planted with a tracking device.

My arrival to the slave planet Lixis cannot come soon enough.

I clear my throat of the irritation within and then slide my lips into a smirk. The action is automatic, born from years of pretense. “Good day, ladies.”

The three human females, whose names I don’t care about enough to commit to memory, all wear identical expressions of infatuation and blush simultaneously. They remind me of the Earthen creature that’s referred to as a bovine, with its wide eyes and low murmuring that’s similar to the animal’s mewl. Or is it moo?

I still cannot understand why some of my fellow Koraxians have found these Homo sapiens to be attractive.

“Commander.” The fair-haired female blinks up at me, her gaze holding nothing more than a simplicity that leaves much to be desired. “How are you?”

The brunette, not to be outdone by the other female, takes a step toward me. The side of her breast skims my forearm as she gives me a coy smile. “It’s so nice to see you again, commander. Where are you off to in such a hurry?”

I wait for a tinge of lust or sexual awareness, but it doesn’t come. I’m not sure why I keep expecting a different result when it’s clear there’s no chemistry between myself and them. Well, none that stems from me. They, on the other hand, appear ready to fornicate at the slightest provocation. But that is not going to happen.

Perhaps I can obtain relief by indulging in the delights that Lixis has to offer. If Jade, the female I’m on my way to retrieve, is a duplicate of the ones before me, I might consider securing a courtesan for the remainder of the mission.

My cock is not as patient as I am.

“I’m on my way to oversee the ship’s descent and landing,” I say, jutting my chin in the direction of the window, where the planet looms just outside. Lixis is nothing more than a large green orb, dotted with the occasional splash of yellow. The bright and cheerful tones give no clues to the depravity found there. “We have arrived at our destination.”

The third female, who has yet to speak, finally does and is rewarded with glares from the other two. “Will you be leaving us?” She shifts from one foot to the other, her black hair swaying about her rosy cheeks.

“Most assuredly,” I say without an ounce of remorse. “It is my duty as commander to lead the rescue mission.”

A chorus of protests spills from the humans, paired with looks of disappointment. Inwardly I sigh at the pathetic response. Although, I should be used to this type of behavior, since I have an uncanny ability to attract female attention. I’ve been doing it all my adult life.

As soon as my crew and I rescued these refugees from the various places they’d been sold, I wasted no time in confirming their compatibility. But there was none to be had, for me or my warriors. With each touch, I waited and prayed for the tiniest flicker of power to flare to life, to give me a taste of what is concealed within, and when it did not come, I was beyond disappointed.

The females are equipped with translators, courtesy of the Torags, so I know they understood when I said they were not my chosen one. But they continue to act as if that conversation never took place. These humans are tenacious little things; I will grant them that.

They fall silent the second I raise my hand, offering me a respite from their whining. “Just as I secured your safety and transport on my ship, I must do the same for this female named Jade.” My brows snap together as a thought occurs to me. “By chance, do you know her?”

The blonde and brunette are quick to offer their denials, but the quiet one slowly nods. I wave my fingers in a circular motion, encouraging her to tell me more. When she parts her lips to speak, the other two turn their attention to her and the glares from before become twin looks of hatred. I may have to offer sanctuary to the poor thing.

After I take her hand and pull her aside, the raven-haired female