News Boy - Susan Hawke Page 0,3

a dream Daddy."

Mack snorted. "Hate to break it to you, Brody. If you find the right boy, it's an easy step from Dom to Daddy. But that's not why I pulled you in. I chose you because I know you're a good man with a protective streak a mile long, exactly what Neil needs. As for whether or not he’s looking for a Daddy? Again, I can neither confirm nor deny without an NDA. So, what do you think?"

"What do I have to say? I have no interest in Daddy kink or ABDL play, whether or not you can confirm or deny it. If kink is part of the job description, I can find my way back out of here." I shot him my cockiest grin. We both knew damn well I was talking out my ass. Whether or not I was still in the scene, I would never embarrass or walk away from a needy boy. The question was if I would put myself in the situation in the first place.

Mack cracked up, nearly choking on his coffee. Setting the cup aside, he grabbed a napkin to blot his tie. "Spoilsport. Whatever happened to keeping an open mind? How about if I can promise no diapers will be involved?"

Remembering the size of the offer on the table, I bit back a sigh. "How soon would you need to know? Until I agreed to this meeting, I was planning a long drive up the coast. Maybe spend some time meandering around and checking out the scenery. My bags are in the trunk, and I'm already about fifty miles down the road in my head."

Mack winced and glanced at his watch. "Any chance you'd be willing to postpone? As you may have guessed, this is time sensitive. In fact, I've got to head to a meeting at the studio now. Why don't you come along and sit in? You can meet Neil before you decide anything. Either way, he needs a bodyguard today. If you take the job, you'd be starting immediately. If you don't, I'll do it myself. That was always Plan B anyway. I don't want to commit with everything I'm already juggling, but the man needs protection. I won't force you, though."

I laughed and stood. "No, not at all. You'll lay it on thick and add a dash of emotional blackmail. Come on then. Let's go meet with the client so I can decide whether I'll be driving up the coast tonight or babysitting a brat."

Chapter Two


“…So this is a good one, Brittany. Have you seen those challenges on social media where you type in your birthdate and ‘a Florida man,’ then see what crazy news story pops up? I put in my birthday, and, believe it or not, I got a better result from a Florida woman this time.” I smiled for the camera, making the viewers at home feel included as we chatted during our final wind-up of today’s morning news.

Brittany gave her patented wide-eyed smile. “Oh, dear. Yes, I have definitely seen those because I don’t live under a rock. What did you get?”

Smile widening, I looked back and forth between Brittany and the camera. “A Florida woman glued her eye shut after mistaking superglue for eye drops.”

“How awful, Neil. That poor woman. Can you even imagine?” As always, Brittany was the perfect straight man in our zany comedic attempts, appearing heartbroken for the victim in the story.

“I can definitely imagine. I mean, ouch! And then my mind wandered a little, shall we say, further south, and the stories you hear about people supergluing themselves in painful places. So really, this is an opportunity for an important public safety message.” Sobering my expression, I gazed soulfully into the camera. “People, please read your bottles before you put anything in or on your body. And if you’re a fan of the American Pie movie franchise, remember not to keep a tube of any kind of glue anywhere on or near your nightstand. It’s funny onscreen but not so much in real life. Yeah, definitely don’t try these stunts at home. Although you might get away with showing a special kind of love to your apple pie, but I won’t tell if you don’t.”

Brittany gasped dramatically. “Neil, you can’t say those things!” She giggled, then gave her own somber expression to the camera. “Ignore my cohost. He isn’t thinking about the dangers of hot sugar on those sensitive places. So if you have an affinity for dipping