Moving On (Rolling Thunder #7) - P.J. Fiala Page 0,1

when the warden’s lips almost curved into a smile. Almost.

"Remember, I never want to see you again."

"Yes, ma'am. I feel the same."

Warden Kettleson nodded at her and walked around to the front of the desk, past LuAnn and to the office door.

She opened the door and waited for LuAnn to follow her. Sliding her chair back, LuAnn gripped her plastic bag like it was her lifeline. She prayed her shaking legs would hold her up long enough to get out of this place.

Her body trembled, a mixture of fear, excitement, nerves and the unknown. The later was the most dominant feeling. What would life be like now? No more routine. No more orders.

Walking down the dingy hallway to the exit doors, she held her books close to her body. Hopefully, Chase would be waiting for her. He said he would be. But, he could have changed his mind. Dog definitely wouldn't let him off of work if he knew what he was doing.

Her mind floated to Jeremiah the last time she'd seem him. He was so angry with her. She'd done so many stupid things because of her perceived love for him. The worst of which was almost killing Joci and their unborn child. She didn't know Joci was pregnant. She also didn't think she'd take off on her bike the way she did and crash. Cutting the brake line was a fit of foolish anger and jealousy. Looking back on it now, it was hard to believe she'd stooped that low. It was the reason she’d spent the last three years in prison. None of what she didn’t know was an excuse for her behavior. She’d learned that while she was here.

Shaking her head to clear thoughts of Jeremiah and all the crazy, and near fatal, things she'd done to get him to notice her, she inhaled until her lungs burned, then slowly exhaled her breath from her body.

The exit door from this unit of the prison was unlocked, the keys jingling against the metal door. She could see daylight on the other side and her heart raced. Outside for good. What a precious thought that had become. Stepping through the door she waited as it auto locked, then the warden unlocked the next door leading to the courtyard. She stepped through that door; her head automatically turning to take one last look at her garden. Two years ago, she'd been granted permission to learn to garden. She had Primrose, who was known to all as Rosie, to thank. She'd befriended Rosie, who became a mother figure to her and who loved gardening. She’d learned so much from Rosie during these past two years. She’d started to heal and found solace in the dirt, seeds, and ultimately the flowers she'd nurtured to life.

The bright hues of reds, pinks, oranges, purples and blues made her smile as Rosie was tending her gardens at this moment.

She waved at the older woman, who waved in return; they'd said their good-byes earlier today as Rosie prepared to go outside. Nodding to her friend for the last time, she turned her head toward the gate and her uncertain future. Blinking rapidly to dry the moisture that had gathered, she looked at the gate ahead that had prohibited her escape, but now allowed her passage out. She used to wonder how to escape those first few scary months when she’d cried herself silently asleep.

Not seeing a car waiting for her, she swallowed the nervousness that maybe Chase had changed his mind. Continuing to follow the warden, she told herself repeatedly, "He's here. He's here."

Warden Kettleson looked up at the guards in the tower next to the gate and nodded and a few clicks later, the gates began sliding open. They waited for the gate to close, then the outside and final gates began to slide open and her heart hammered violently in her chest. Almost there.

"Good luck to you, Mason," Warden Kettleson quietly said.

LuAnn looked up at the taller woman and nodded. "Thank you."


It was a beautiful day. The weather was a mild 78 degrees, no wind, trees and flowers were in full bloom, the grass was still a vibrant green. He'd put the top down on his Mustang convertible before he left the shop. The thrill of driving his wheels and seeing LuAnn again conflicted with Dog's look of disappointment and frustration when Chase told him why he needed the rest of the day off. Hard to blame Dog, but he'd stayed friends with