Miss Apprehended - Miranda Elaine Page 0,3

what heaven feels like.

The ringing of my cell phone surprises me and I jerk away from Tillie.

“Stay.” I point to her, letting her know I mean business.

I get a heavy eye roll and a frustrated sigh as I look down at my phone. Manny.

I answer the phone with a simple, “Yeah.”

“Did you get her yet?” he asks.

I know exactly who he is talking about, and I’ve finally gotten her, but now that I have her, the last thing I want to do is take her in. I look over at Tillie and smile at the way the handcuffs pull her arms back and push her breasts forward.

“Yeah. I picked her up at Bill’s. She’s giving me a little trouble, but I’ll have her in shortly,” I say into the phone, making sure to keep my eyes on Tillie. I’m lying. I am definitely not taking her in. I’m taking her home.

Manny lets out a frustrated groan. “Jake, Tillie doesn't hang out at Bill’s. However, Millie, her twin sister, does. I’m willing to bet you got the wrong girl, bro.” He lets out a heavy sigh. “It’s not a thing, man. It’s happened to all of us. They look just alike, only Millie has a heart-shaped birthmark on her inner upper thigh. Check it out before you bother bringing her in.”

The line goes dead, and I know that I am fucked. Tillie or Millie or whoever the fuck this sexy-as-hell broad is gives me a told-you-so smile, and I want to kiss it right off her face. I put my cell in my back pocket and drop to my knees in front of her.

She looks down at me, smiling, lifting her right leg, and placing her right heel on my shoulder. I take both hands and run them up her calf, past her knee, pushing her dress up along the way. And, sure enough, on the inside of her right thigh is a heart. I run my finger over it and savor the moment. I can smell her wet heat, and my mouth is too close to it. I want to run my nose over the crotch of her silky, blue underwear peeking from beneath her dress. I want to lap up her sweetness and relish every inch of her silky, smooth skin with my mouth.

Except there is plenty of time for that later. When we are alone. In my bedroom. So, I wrap my arm around the bottom of her gorgeous ass and haul her up and over my shoulder. I stand up and start marching toward the parking lot, trying to ignore the screeching Millie thrown over my shoulder.

“Put me down this minute, Jake Blackwood. You know damn well I’m not Tillie. This is kidnapping! I am going to tell Manny as soon as you put me down, you bastard!” she screams at the top of her lungs.

Everyone in Bill’s is giving us wild stares, but I couldn’t care less. I give Millie’s ass a hard smack and turn my head to it. It’s situated so close to my face. I can’t help but give it a firm bite, which only causes her to wiggle and fight more. I smile. This is fun.

“Calm yourself, woman. We are going home, where you can do all the yelling you want from between my sheets,” I say, giving her ass one more smack for good measure.

Tonight’s turned out to be a good night after all. I’ll take Millie home and make her think that, if she can get Tillie to turn herself in, I’ll let her go. Only that’s not happening. Because I’m keeping Millie. She’s mine.


“Hey! Muscles! Over here!” Hannah yells behind us in the parking lot of Bill’s.

I see her running upside down behind us through the parking lot. Okay, maybe I’m the one upside down, dangling from the defined shoulder of my abductor.

“Muscles! I said Muscles, stop!” Hannah shouts out once more.

We come to an abrupt halt.

“You talkin’ to me, sweets?” Jake growls out.

I can’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy over his term of endearment for my friend.

“You see anyone else built like a freaking brick wall, handsome? I don’t think so,” Hannah says when she catches up to us, eyeing my Jake up and down.

My Jake? WTF? Can Stockholm Syndrome hit that fast? I guess, with being twenty-four and a virgin, my hormones were bound to kick in at some point.

“Han, get me off this big lug. I’m being kidnapped! Tell Jake Blackwood I can’t get