Maximum Commitment (Sin City #13) - Tricia Owens Page 0,3

agent arranged the contract.”

“Do you know if he’s legitimately gay, not just, you know, playing it for his fifteen minutes of fame?”

“I don’t know.” Max arched a dark eyebrow. “Does it matter?”

“Not really, but I’m curious. Do you think he chose us—me specifically—to perpetuate that illusion? If it is one, I mean.”

Max’s smile told Ethan that he had, indeed, considered the possibility and wasn’t thrilled by it.

“So, we’re letting this guy use us,” Ethan prompted.

“We take advantage of our clients’ celebrity for the exposure it will bring us.”

“Yes, but we’re not pretending to be something we’re not.”

“You’re making a bold assumption that he’s deceiving the public,” Max reminded him.

“Well, let’s be real. How many times has it come out that contestants in any of these reality shows aren’t who they say they are? They have long-term boyfriends or girlfriends back home; they say they’re a professional magician and it turns out they work at 7-Eleven. Producers want them to act a certain way because it brings in viewers. That could have happened here.”

“That’s true.”

“I’m just looking out for us. I bet he paid a lot for this contract, right? He didn’t balk at whatever you quoted him?”

“You have a very suspicious mind,” Max murmured, the glint in his eye both teasing and piercing, as though Ethan’s thought process turned him on.

It was the kind of look that made Ethan want to squirm and think about reasons he might begin begging. Max smirked as if reading his mind. He dropped his gaze to his desk, where he sorted papers that Ethan doubted needed sorting. It was like denying Ethan a sip of water when he was parched.

“Be careful of offending him,” Max said, drawing Ethan away from the slippery slope he’d been edging toward. “Mr. Smith is likely what he says he is, but you should remain watchful.”

“You know I will.”

“Yes,” Max murmured, sounding and looking pleased as he again graced Ethan with his attention. “I know you will. You are my best agent.”

Ethan’s smile was wide. “Please tell Giuliani that.”

Max flashed white teeth at him. “He’ll refuse to believe it. He’ll blame nepotism. I should probably fire him.”

“Max, that’s terrible.”

The dark-haired man chuckled softly. Since returning from Spain, Max’s mood had noticeably lightened. He was still intense and intimidating to the other Elite Poole agents, but with Ethan he was more playful. Ethan wouldn’t have said a dark cloud had hovered over him before the trip, but something had clearly changed for Max and it wasn’t too difficult to imagine what it could be. They’d been home in Vegas for a little over a month, and Philip Poole called at least once a week. Max claimed they talked about the expansion plans, but Ethan had a feeling the calls often turned personal. Father and son had a lot to catch up on. Decades, in fact.

As if sensing the direction of his thoughts, Max asked, “You spoke with your parents today?”

“Just now. My mom tried to video call me with no luck.”

“Ah. I’ll have the tech contact them to schedule a return visit at their convenience. Have any more samples caught her eye?”

Ethan rolled his eyes before looking back at the stacks of boxes. “You’ve indulged her enough, Max. She’s going to have a heart attack when she sees how much you’ve ordered.”

“Since she and my mother aren’t utilizing the services of a wedding planner, the burden is on them to find the perfect adornments, Ethan. It is not an easy task, but I’d like to help.”

“It’s a task that’s going to cost a fortune at this rate.”

“It’s not a concern,” Max said lightly. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime event for them. I want them to enjoy it to the fullest.”

“Is your mom hassling your dad about any of this?”

Max picked up his Mont Blanc and tapped it on the desk blotter. “If she has, he’s not admitting to it. He’s concentrating on location scouting in London for the first satellite office.”

He’d kept his tone neutral enough, but Ethan knew him better than anyone. Grinning, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. “How excited are you?”

“Very,” Max drawled.

“A satellite office, Max. In London. That’s amazing. I hope you think it’s amazing.”

Max’s expression softened. “It’s extraordinary. I’m very pleased. My father is making himself invaluable to the company. I admit I didn’t expect this much effort from him.”

“That’s because he wants you to succeed. Having your dad behind you counts for a lot.”

“Indeed, it does.”

Ethan still marveled over what Max had