Mason Wolfe (Wolfe Brothers #3) - Sandi Lynn Page 0,2

him purpose. Just like me, Elijah, and yourself. Being a lawyer is your life. You need to understand that being a firefighter is Mason’s.”

“You don’t seem too worried about Nathan being a pilot. He could crash the plane,” I spoke.

“Hey.” Nathan furrowed his brows.

“I do worry about that sometimes, but you run into burning buildings every day. The risk is way higher. Anyway, I said what I needed to, and now I have to get to the office.”

“You didn’t finish your coffee,” I said.

“Mom, it’s Saturday,” Nathan spoke.

“What’s your point, darling?” She got up from her seat and kissed my cheek. “Take into consideration the stress you’re putting your mother under.”

“I’ll walk you to the door, Grandma.” Ruby smiled as she grabbed her hand.

Looking over at Nathan, I slowly shook my head as he sat there with a smirk on his face. Suddenly, we heard Ruby scream and a loud thump. Jumping up from my seat, I ran into the foyer and found my mother lying on the floor.

“Mom!” I knelt down beside her.

“Grandma, wake up!” Ruby yelled as Allison grabbed her and held her.

Pulling my phone from my pocket, I called 911.

“This is Captain Mason Wolfe from station 53. I need an ambulance at 40 Sullivan Street, now!”

“Mom,” Nathan spoke as she came to.

“Don’t move, Mom. The ambulance is on its way.”

“What happened?” she groggily asked.

“You fainted. That’s what happened,” Nathan said.

“I’m fine.” She went to get up, and I immediately stopped her.

“You are not to move,” I spoke as I checked her eyes.

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m fine, and I’m not going to the hospital. I have to get to the office.”

“Yes, you are. People just don’t pass out for no reason. You’re going to the hospital and having a doctor check you out.”

I rode in the ambulance with her and listened while she said a few choice words to me. Nathan called Elijah and the two of them met us at the Emergency Room.

“Hey, Mason. You’re not in uniform.” Corinne smiled.

“Day off. My mom was just brought in.”

“Oh no. I hope she’s okay.”

“She’s fine right now. We’ve been waiting a while. Do you know which doctor she’ll be seeing?”

“Let me check,” she spoke as she typed away on her computer. “Dr. Davis.”

“Ah, never heard of him. He must be new?”

“He is a she, and yes, she just started last week.”

“Great. Thanks.” I tapped the counter and headed back into my mother’s room.

“Hey, Mason.” Jason smiled as he walked in. “Not working today?”

“No. Not today. What are you still doing here? You usually work nights.”

“I’m pulling a double because Lisa called in. By the way, I had a patient in here last night who wouldn’t stop raving about you. A ten-year-old little girl you saved,” he spoke as he poked my mother’s arm with the needle.

“Ouch. Young man, watch it with that thing.”

“Sorry, Ms. Wolfe.” He smiled at her. “She told me the two of you jumped out a window from her six-story apartment.”

“Just another day on the job,” I spoke.

“Good morning,” I heard a voice speak. “I’m Dr. Sara Davis.”

I turned my head and for a split moment, our eyes locked, and I stood there speechless.

Chapter 3


“Wow. You have quite a gathering in here.” I smiled as I stood and stared at the three sexy men in the room.

“These are my sons: Elijah, Nathan, and Mason.”

I said hello to each of them and swallowed hard as Mason extended his hand to me.

“Nice to meet you, Dr. Sara Davis.” The corners of his mouth curved upward.

“And you as well.” I gently placed my hand in his. “So, tell me what happened.”

“Nothing really. My boys are overreacting as usual.”

“She fainted in the foyer of my home,” Nathan said.

“Have you ever fainted before?” I asked her.

“Only when I was pregnant.”

“Mom!” All three boys gasped.

“Settle down. I’m not pregnant for god sakes.”

Taking my stethoscope, I listened to her heart and then proceeded with more of the exam.

“I’m starting you on an IV because you are a little dehydrated. Have you been eating and drinking okay?”

“Sure,” she spoke, but I could sense a nervousness in her voice.

“Your blood pressure is a little high. Not too much, but higher than I’d like to see it. I’ll go see if I can push that bloodwork through so we can find out what’s going on. I’ll be back in once I have the results.”

“Thank you, Dr. Davis.”

“You’re welcome. If you need anything or feel unwell, just press the call button for the nurse.” I gave her